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пятница, 14 января 2011 г.

Hachiko & Jiro

Hachiko & JiroWent to the museum in Ueno to go see Hachi and Jiro. Hachi is well known for meeting his owner at the Shibuya train station everyday, but his owner dies. Hachi still continues to wait for his owner at the train station and people start to take notice of his dedication. Jiro was only 1 of 2 dogs to survive the Antarctica after being left behind for 1 year. The movie Japanese movie Antarctica and American movie 8 below is based on their story.
Длительность: 1:06

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Hachiko & Jiro
Видео Hachiko & Jiro Video Hachiko & Jiro Hachiko & Jiro

Shell and Gazprom in oil and gas alliance

Shell and Gazprom in oil and gas allianceThe Royal Dutch Shell and Gazprom have formed a strategic alliance little more than three years after a dispute in which the multinational was forced to cede control of the giant Sakhalin II oil and gas project to the Russian company. Saudi Arabia, the world's largest oil exporter, and neighbor Kuwait seek to add natural gas supply to avoid burning crude and refined products to generate power.
Длительность: 1:34

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Shell and Gazprom in oil and gas alliance
Видео Shell and Gazprom in oil and gas alliance Video Shell and Gazprom in oil and gas alliance Shell and Gazprom in oil and gas alliance
четверг, 13 января 2011 г.

Goral vs Kaszubka

Goral vs KaszubkaFragment filmu: "Nie lubi
Длительность: 0:39

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Goral vs Kaszubka
Видео Goral vs Kaszubka Video Goral vs Kaszubka Goral vs Kaszubka
среда, 12 января 2011 г.

У берегов Сахалина обнаружено третье тело

У берегов Сахалина обнаружено третье телоУ берегов Сахалина обнаружено третье тело, предположительно, члена экипажа пропавшего судна «Партнер». Эту рыболовецкую шхуну ищут в Татарском проливе с 7 января. По сигналу бедствия в минувшую пятницу была развернута спасательная операция. Сейчас активная фаза поисков завершена. Предположительно, шхуна «Партнер» затонула. По информации Росрыболовства, судно могло быть браконьерским, на его борту находилось 14 граждан России. Накануне были найдены двое погибших мужчин, один в спасательном плоту, другой на берегу. Личности всех троих погибших сейчас устанавливают.
Длительность: 0:35

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У берегов Сахалина обнаружено третье тело
Видео У берегов Сахалина обнаружено третье тело Video У берегов Сахалина обнаружено третье тело У берегов Сахалина обнаружено третье тело
вторник, 11 января 2011 г.

Giffords Shooting - Right Wing Media & Politicians To Blame?

Giffords Shooting - Right Wing Media & Politicians To Blame?Cenk Uygur (host of The Young Turks) breaks down the Gabrielle Giffords shooting at the hands of Jared Loughner in the context of various right wing politicians and pundits using violent rhetoric and imagery. "Like" The Young Turks on Facebook: www.facebook.com "Follow" The Young Turks on Twitter: www.twitter.com Click Here to Read Cenk's Blog on Giffords Shooting: www.theyoungturks.com Excerpt from Blog: The conservative hate-mongers don't create psychos. We get that there will always be disturbed individuals out there. But the right-wing directs these lunatics to a source. They channel their fear, anger and paranoia -- and they point them toward the Democrats. They use them as hate seeking missiles. They load them up them up with violent imagery, whether it's talk of cross-hairs or second amendment remedies or the tree of liberty being refreshed with blood. Then when they get a violent reaction they pretend to be surprised and outraged that anyone would suggest they were the least bit culpable. The reality is that it is a simple formula -- violence in, violence out. Violent imagery in, violent results out. If pretending this isn't political or that somehow it is both-sided doesn't work (which they shouldn't worry about because so far it has worked perfectly in white-washing their culpability in the media), then they say it's political exploitation to point out what they have done. How the hell are we supposed to point out the problem if we can't mention the issue for <b>...</b>
Длительность: 16:36

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Giffords Shooting - Right Wing Media & Politicians To Blame?
Видео Giffords Shooting - Right Wing Media & Politicians To Blame? Video Giffords Shooting - Right Wing Media & Politicians To Blame? Giffords Shooting - Right Wing Media & Politicians To Blame?
понедельник, 10 января 2011 г.

Irina Romanova - Igor Yaroshenko OSP 1994 Lillehammer Olympics

Irina Romanova - Igor Yaroshenko OSP 1994 Lillehammer OlympicsIrina Romanova and Igor Yaroshenko of Ukraine.
Длительность: 4:40

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Irina Romanova - Igor Yaroshenko OSP 1994 Lillehammer Olympics
Видео Irina Romanova - Igor Yaroshenko OSP 1994 Lillehammer Olympics Video Irina Romanova - Igor Yaroshenko OSP 1994 Lillehammer Olympics Irina Romanova - Igor Yaroshenko OSP 1994 Lillehammer Olympics
суббота, 8 января 2011 г.

Sakhalin island.wmv

Sakhalin island.wmvSakhalin island
Длительность: 7:05

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Sakhalin island.wmv
Видео Sakhalin island.wmv Video Sakhalin island.wmv Sakhalin island.wmv


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