This week in the Tradex Foods 3-Minute Sustainability Recap - Ryan McKay, Director of Marketing & Research discusses... - Gulf of Maine Cod stock - not such a success story? - Marine Conservation Society assesses supermarket seafood - An update on MSC certifications Sign up for Product Deals & Market Updates - Tweet Us for Quick Seafood Quotes or to Ask us Questions - Learn about deceptive practices with School of Fish - Check out our inFINite Model - Website: Длительность: 3:34
Скриншоты к видео 3-Minute Sustainability Recap EP10 - Gulf of Maine Cod, MSC Certifications
These are 4 clips of my work trip to the Odoptu oil process plant, situated on Sakhalin Island in eastern Russia (the island is directly to the north of Japan. Journey to two days each way to Odoptu, this 1st clip is of the journey from Yuzhno (main city on the island) to the site. This involves an overnight sleeper train up to Nogliki and a 5 hour road trip in a 4 x 4 vehicle. From the UK, I had to fly from Humberside airport to Schiphol (Amsterdam), onwards to Moscow Sheremetevyo, another flight from there to Yuzhno (supposed to be the longest internal flight in world), train to Nogliki finally followed by the car journey to site. Длительность: 5:34
Голы Васильева Егора. 8-10 января 2010 года в пгт.Ноглики проходили межшкольные соревнования по минифутболу среди подростков 1992-93 годов Длительность: 2:19
Скриншоты к видео 10 января,мини-футбол в Ногликах