Снимал на фотик, качество не очень-одной рукой качал рыбу и держал камеру, другой крутил катушку...но общее впечатление о рыбалке на Сахалине поймать можно... Свалила кунджа примерно под пятерку... Длительность: 1:27
-B03 / Gundam X- This Operation is Time-Critical Break 1 - Garrod Ran(GX-9900 Gundam X) defeats either Shagia Frost(NRX-0013 Gundam Virsago) or Olba Frost(NRX-0015 Gundam Ashtaron). Secret 1 - Garrod defeats either Shagia or Olba with the Satellite Cannon (Do not use the MAP attack version; DO NOT KILL BOTH OF THEM AT THE SAME TIME!). Break 2 - Garrod defeats Aina Sahalin(Apsalus II). Secret 2 - Garrod defeats Aina with the Satellite Cannon (Not the MAP attack). Secret Unit - Nobel Gundam (Berserker Mode) / Allenby Beardsley (Berserk) (Pilot acquired at 85% Completion) -Getting Garrod's Sattelite Cannon to hit is rather tough at times. If he doesn't hit have him recharge by going back to his Warship or waiting a few turns. -Leave a team or warship behind to take care of Apsalus II and wait for Garrod to get back there. Apsalus II has a MAP attack that's works directly in front of it. You can stand at its 4 corners and completely avoid being attacked for awhile. -Try to get units that can travel at a great distance as the Warships take some time to travel back and forth. Длительность: 30:02
Скриншоты к видео SD Gundam Generation World Mission B3 Part 1
This is a sonification of the Near Islands, Aleutian Islands 6.1M earthquake (9/14/2011 18:10:07 GMT). It was made from a seismogram recorded by the global seismic station YSS in SAKHALIN, RUSSIA. Find more at www.flyrok.org. Длительность: 0:04
Скриншоты к видео YSS Soundquake: 9/14/2011 18:10:07 GMT
Buying stake in Russia's rich oil and gas block Sakhalin-1 is already paying rich dividends to ONGC's overseas arm ONGC-Videsh or OVL. However, it seems OVL's efforts to get stake in another block Sakhalin-3 may not bear fruit. Длительность: 1:58
Скриншоты к видео Tough road ahead for OVL to get stake in Sakhalin-3
Рассказывает сестра убитой. Муж застрели жену, сына, тещу, сожителя и сестру тещи. Но об этом молчат все центральные каналы почему-то. У нас как в Америке теперь, как что за оружие и убиваем всех. Длительность: 1:11
Скриншоты к видео Коментарий об убийстве 6 человек на Сахалине