Вечером 6 декабря на Южно-Сахалинск свалилась необычная метель - с молниями. Видимость на дорогах местами была просто нулевой. Но несколько вспышек на регистратор мы засняли Длительность: 3:44
Russian authorities say they have named two small, previously unnamed islands near the Kuril Islands, called the Northern Territories by the Japanese. Russian media said the two islands are 200 meters northeast of Shikotan Island. The islands have been named after two commanders of the landing battle on the Kuril Islands in 1945. The flags of Russia and Sakhalin are currently flying over the islands. Russia and Japan both claimed sovereignty over the territory. The dispute has prevented them from signing a peace treaty. Длительность: 0:36
Back again with more great music. This next 1949 three-parter is an interesting vocal piece rarely heard outside of Japan and likely very unfamiliar to the casual Akira Ifukube-fan. It's entitled: "Three Lullabies Among the Native Tribes On the Island of Sakhalin." This is the first part of the lullaby called "bu: lu: bu: lu:" **** For more information regarding this work, follow this link: www.akiraifukube.org And visit AkiraIfukube.org for more general info on the composer's life and works. **** Please comment, rate, and subscribe if you enjoy this and other music from my "Master Works" series. **** Disclaimer: As usual, I own nothing here and cannot provide any of the music you'll be hearing. Enjoy! Длительность: 5:29
Скриншоты к видео Akira Ifukube--Master Works: Three Lullabies Among the Native Tribes Part 1