With as few as 130 whales, the western gray whale teeters on the edge of extinction. Their critical feeding ground off the coast of Sakhalin Island in the Russian Far East, is now under threat. WWF, with help from Mr. Scruff, have stepped in to help them. You can help them too. Find out more at thelast130.org Длительность: 0:50
'My Victory' project features stories told by the Great Patriotic War veterans. Watch these memories on how the Great Victory was achieved. Длительность: 2:58
Скриншоты к видео Sakhalin-2_My Victory project_story_48
'My Voctory' project features stories told by the Great Patriotic War veterans. Watch these memories on how the Great Victory was achieved. Длительность: 2:53
Скриншоты к видео Sakhalin-2_My Victory project_story_17.wmv
bboy Moon (Post Scriptum crew) vs bboy Funky10 (Post Scriptum crew) at Sakhalin Absolute B-Boy Championship 2009 Russia Battle # 005 Длительность: 5:21
Скриншоты к видео bboy Moon (Post Scriptum crew) vs bboy Funky10 (Post Scriptum crew) at Sakhalin ABC 2009
Sakhalin, cote orientale. Le golfe de Nyyvo est un des derniers golfes qu'empruntent les bancs de saumons pour rejoindre, et remonter, la rivi Длительность: 8:40