16.07.2012: Murighiol - Sf. Gheorghe, 50 km in aval, 5 ore 17.07.2012: Sf. Gheorghe - Insula Sahalin si retur, 4-5 ore 18.07.2012: Sf. Gheorghe - canalul Cordon Litoral pana in dreptul intrarii spre Lacu Rosu si retur, 7ore si ceva. 19.07.2012: cu kaiacul pe vapor pana la Mahmudia si pe apa pana la Murighiol (o ora). Am imprumutat kaiacul de la clubul de kaiac - canoe Titan (pe lacul IOR sau AI Cuza). Длительность: 13:33
This is a sonification of the Vanuatu Islands 5.8M earthquake (11/4/2011 15:43:45 GMT). It was made from a seismogram recorded by the global seismic station YSS in SAKHALIN, RUSSIA. Find more at www.flyrok.org. Длительность: 0:06
Скриншоты к видео YSS Soundquake: 11/4/2011 15:43:45 GMT