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Показаны сообщения с ярлыком Официальный сайт губернатора сахалинской области. Показать все сообщения
понедельник, 7 января 2013 г.

Crimean War - Wiki Article

Crimean War - Wiki ArticleOttoman Empire Total dead est. 175300 French Empire Total dead: 95000, of which: 10240 killed in action; 20000 died of wounds; c. 60000 died of disease British Empire Total dead: 21097 of ... Crimean War - Wiki Article - wikiplays.org Original @ http All Information Derived from Wikipedia using Creative Commons License: en.wikipedia.org Author: Valentin Ramirez Image URL: en.wikipedia.org ( This work is in the Public Domain. ) Author: Unknown Image URL: en.wikipedia.org ( This work is in the Public Domain. ) Author: Unknown Image URL: en.wikipedia.org ( This work is in the Public Domain. ) Author: Unknown Image URL: en.wikipedia.org ( This work is in the Public Domain. ) Author: Unknown Image URL: en.wikipedia.org ( This work is in the Public Domain. ) Author: Unknown Image URL: en.wikipedia.org ( This work is in the Public Domain. ) Author: Unknown Image URL: en.wikipedia.org ( This work is in the Public Domain. ) Author: User:Kerem Ozcan Image URL: en.wikipedia.org ( This work is in the Public Domain. ) Author: Roger Fenton Image URL: en.wikipedia.or...
Длительность: 54:48

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Crimean War - Wiki Article
Видео Crimean War - Wiki Article Video Crimean War - Wiki Article Crimean War - Wiki Article
вторник, 14 августа 2012 г.

КИТАМИ - ПОРОНАЙСК - города побратимы - 40 лет дружбы!

КИТАМИ - ПОРОНАЙСК - города побратимы - 40 лет дружбы!Мнения и комментарии в группе «Поронайск - Союз Земляков» www.odnoklassniki.ru
Длительность: 4:36

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КИТАМИ - ПОРОНАЙСК - города побратимы - 40 лет дружбы!
Видео КИТАМИ - ПОРОНАЙСК - города побратимы - 40 лет дружбы! Video КИТАМИ - ПОРОНАЙСК - города побратимы - 40 лет дружбы! КИТАМИ - ПОРОНАЙСК - города побратимы - 40 лет дружбы!
среда, 8 февраля 2012 г.

Tribute to Shiro and Aina: I will always be with you

Tribute to Shiro and Aina: I will always be with youInspired by Gatomon2009's I will Always be with you video. www.youtube.com I made this AMV using Mobile Suit Gundam, the 08th MS Team. I normally don't like the Earth Federation, i'm a Zeon fan, but Shiro thinks similarly to i do. Both sides have both good and bad people. That's why i liked this series. It showed corruption on both sides, and not just Zeon. I was gonna have the scene where Elodore says that it was a doomed love, but i couldn't fit it in. No copy right infringement intended.
Длительность: 3:32

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Tribute to Shiro and Aina: I will always be with you
Видео Tribute to Shiro and Aina: I will always be with you Video Tribute to Shiro and Aina: I will always be with you Tribute to Shiro and Aina: I will always be with you
вторник, 7 февраля 2012 г.

Empty Planet

Empty PlanetFind out more at thelast130.org With as few as 130 whales, the western gray whale teeters on the edge of extinction. Their critical feeding ground off the coast of Sakhalin Island in the Russian Far East, is now under threat. WWF is stepping in to try and help. You can help them too.
Длительность: 1:30

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Empty Planet
Видео Empty Planet Video Empty Planet Empty Planet
среда, 21 декабря 2011 г.

Kol'skuyu ne podnimut so dnya morya

Kol'skuyu ne podnimut so dnya moryahutko.net С начала поисково-спасательной операции в Охотском море, где затонула буровая платформа "Кольская" обследован район в 2,5 тыс. квадратных миль, сообщает во вторник пресс-служба ГУ МЧС по Сахалинской области. "В настоящее время поисковые работы проводят экипажи двух судов - ледокола "Магадан" и судна-снабженца "Смит Сахалин". Подход судна "Атлас" в район поисков ожидается днем 21 декабря", - говорится в сообщении. Спасатели отмечают, что достоверно известно об одиннадцати погибших, тела которых были подняты на борт судна "Смит Сахалин"; операция по поиску людей продолжается.
Длительность: 0:52

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Kol'skuyu ne podnimut so dnya morya
Видео Kol'skuyu ne podnimut so dnya morya Video Kol'skuyu ne podnimut so dnya morya Kol'skuyu ne podnimut so dnya morya
четверг, 15 сентября 2011 г.

Russia in Pictures

Russia in PicturesA small compilation of Russian landscape, architecture and people, collected all over from Moscow to Sakhalin and from Sochi to Franz Joseph land. Powered by artemida-tech.com
Длительность: 13:31

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Russia in Pictures
Видео Russia in Pictures Video Russia in Pictures Russia in Pictures
суббота, 6 августа 2011 г.

Сима на нахлыст р. Максимовка

Сима на нахлыст р. МаксимовкаБлог Отшельника blogotshelnika.ru Ловля симы на нахлыст 6го класса р.Максимовка 2010г
Длительность: 1:55

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Сима на нахлыст р. Максимовка
Видео Сима на нахлыст р. Максимовка Video Сима на нахлыст р. Максимовка Сима на нахлыст р. Максимовка
вторник, 21 июня 2011 г.

44 Died in Russia Plane Crash_telugutouch.com

44 Died in Russia Plane Crash_telugutouch.com44 people are reported dead after a Tu-134 crashed outside the airport of Petrozavodsk in Karelia. Another eight are hospitalized with serious injuries. The Tu-134 passenger plane belonging to the RusAir airline was en route from Moscow to Petrozavodsk on the night to Tuesday when it crashed in heavy fog on a highway just one kilometer from the airport, Vedomosti reports. The plane had a total of 52 people on board. One of the people who died was a Swedish rescue worker on his way to a conference on rescue cooperation in the Barents Region. An official from the Aviation Accident Investigation Commission has made a statement admitting that the landing lights at Petrozavodsk airport were off when the plane approached to land, and that this together with adverse weather conditions could have caused the tragedy. The lights outage may have been caused by the airliner itself, Nikolay Fedotov, chair of the local committee for civilian safety told Russia Today. He said the Tupolev went 150 to 200 meters off course as it approached the runway and hit the high-voltage power line. The collision cut the power supply, and it took several seconds for the backup supply to switch on. Meanwhile, the aircraft hit several treetops with its wing and crashed, the official said. One of the people who died was from the Netherlands, according to the Emergencies Ministry. Two victims were Ukrainian. There was also a family of four with dual Russian-American citizenship. The rest of the passengers <b>...</b>
Длительность: 1:00

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44 Died in Russia Plane Crash_telugutouch.com
Видео 44 Died in Russia Plane Crash_telugutouch.com Video 44 Died in Russia Plane Crash_telugutouch.com 44 Died in Russia Plane Crash_telugutouch.com
понедельник, 28 февраля 2011 г.

Solar Village in February 2011 Morning Keiko.wmv

Solar Village in February 2011 Morning Keiko.wmvSakhalin Aikido Federation, seminar Far East, february 2011, irimi nage
Длительность: 5:10

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Solar Village in February 2011 Morning Keiko.wmv
Видео Solar Village in February 2011 Morning Keiko.wmv Video Solar Village in February 2011 Morning Keiko.wmv Solar Village in February 2011 Morning Keiko.wmv


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