1946. година. Совјетске амбасаде широм Европе позивају руске емигранте да се врате у СССР. На позив се одазива др Головин, и са својом супругом Францускињом, и дететом долази у Одесу. Али одмах по силаску са брода, већина његових сапутника бива ухапшена и послата у логор. После полицијске провере, он добија радно место у кијевској фабрици. Није му много требало да схвати да је донео погрешну одлуку. Наредних дана, недеља и месеци мислиће само о једном: како се вратити назад у Француску. Режија: Режис Верние Жанр: Драма Олег Мењшиков ... Алексеј Головин Сандрин Бонер ... Мари Катрин Денев ... Габриел Сергеј Бодров мл ... Саша Васиљев Официјална ФБ страница: www.facebook.com Длительность: 119:46
Скриншоты к видео Istok-Zapad. (Восток-Запад) (1999) (Kliknuti cc za srpski prevod)
Disclaimer This video is for fan use only I do not own the rights to the footage or music Video: Mobile Suit Gundam: 08th MS Team Music: Heavens Divide - Donna Burke Shown at Daisho Con Edit: I do apologize for the poor video quality. Didn't have my recording software set up properly when I grabbed the footage. Длительность: 5:11
A short film produced for the WWF to highlight the plight of the Western Grey Whale. The film is 130 seconds long and follows the journey of a life size model as it travels along the Thames to highlight the plight faced by one of the world's most endangered whales. With as few as 130 whales, the western gray whale teeters on the edge of extinction. Their critical feeding ground off the coast of Sakhalin Island in the Russian Far East, is now under threat. WWF is stepping in to try and help. You can help them too. Find out more at thelast130.org Длительность: 2:11
ДЕЛЬФИН официальный канал Дельфин Dolphin official YouTube channel Dolphin Фильм о гастролях, прошедших в мае 2009 на Дальнем Востоке. dolphinmusic.ru http Длительность: 30:56
Скриншоты к видео Дельфин - Сахалин / Dolphin - Sakhalin
Oil & Natural Gas Corp. may partner Kuwaiti companies to bid for oil and gas exploration blocks in India and abroad, RS Sharma, chairman of India's largest energy explorer, said Tuesday. India, which imports four-fifth of its crude oil requirements, is set to launch its ninth round of oil and gas block auctions next month as it seeks to increase output to meet demand in a fast-expanding economy. Oil and gas extraction companies in Russia's Far Eastern Sakhalin region are planning to increase oil extraction to 23 million tons from 15 million tons a year and gas extraction from 19 million to 60 billion cubic meters, a local government's deputy head said on Wednesday. "The Sakhalin region in the Russian Far East has become one of the main centers for hydrocarbon extraction in the Asia-Pacific region," Galina Pavlova said during an annual Sakhalin Oil and Gas 2010 conference in the city of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. OAO Gazprom Neft, the oil arm of Russia's state natural-gas producer, plans to increase production by 12 percent in the next two years on two new development regions. Output may reach 1.115 million to 1.15 million barrels of oil equivalent a day in 2012, compared with 1.03 million this year, Gazprom Neft said today in a presentation in Moscow. Длительность: 2:26
Скриншоты к видео ONGC May Partner with Kuwait to Bid for Oil & Gas.
My video - Cold Fear's walkthrough. Difficulty: Extreme. Colf Fear walkthrough: www.youtube.com All rights reserved by Ubisoft, Darkworks and rightful sound/music owners. Длительность: 11:19
Скриншоты к видео Cold Fear - Walkthrough - Chapter 5: Sahalin's Star
Georgi Benkovski (Bulgarian: Георги Бенковски; 184312 May 1876) was the pseudonym of Gavril Gruev Hlatev (Гаврил Груев Хлътев), a Bulgarian revolutionary and leading figure in the organization and direction of the Bulgarian anti-Ottoman April Uprising of 1876 and apostle of its 4th Revolutionary District. Born around 1843 to the family of the small-time merchant and craftsman Gruyo Hlatev, Benkovski was a native of the bustling sub-Balkan town of Koprivshtitsa and had two sisters, Kuna and Vasilya. Due to his difficult childhood, Benkovski had two drop out of school after finishing third grade in order to be tutored as a tailor by his mother and make a living. Discontent with his job, he became a frieze dealer and left for Asia Minor together with a friend to sell their products with little success. For around ten years, Benkovski lived in various cities of the Orient, including Istanbul (Tsarigrad), Длительность: 5:23
Сахалин июнь 2008. Не убегала, потому что была у норы, видимо, с лисятами. Около норы перья от птиц. Лисят не видели - сразу ушли. Все происходило в логу в 50м от дороги Южно-Сахалинск-Корсаков. Длительность: 1:43