Из-за ураганного ветра на юге Сахалина сегодня закрыты для проезда транспорта всех видов федеральные трассы Южно-Сахалинск -- Корсаков и Южно-Сахалинск -- Холмск. В том числе прекращено движение междугородних автобусов и поездов Длительность: 1:41
Скриншоты к видео Ветер на Сахалине переворачивает вагоны.m2p
Chinese Dinosaurs Were Fossilized by Flood www.icr.org Creation / Evolution Video Play Lists hosted.homeserver.com Creation Ministries International www.creation.com Real Science Some geological formations in Shandong are rich in fossils. For example, Zhucheng, which is located in southeastern Shandong, has been the site of many discoveries of dinosaur fossils. A major find of 7600 dinosaur bones that including tyrannosaurus and ankylosaurus remains and was announced in 2008, is believed to be the largest collection ever found.[5] Длительность: 0:25
Doctor Shiraishi is specialised in the indigenous languages of the Russian island of Sakhalin. The indigenous people of Sakhalin are the Nivkh, the Uilta (Orok), and the Ainu. Длительность: 8:30
Скриншоты к видео The Nivkh language and the Ainu language. Part 5
Russias biggest celebration of the year is on its way. In fact, in some Far East regions, such as Sakhalin and Kamchatka, the New Year has already arrived. Длительность: 4:16
Скриншоты к видео Champagne supernova! Russians meet New 2010 Year