на самом деле это я тренировался монтировать через злосчастный "Sony Vegas" и таки получилось что-то сварганить из кусков старых видео, именуемых среди моей старой компании "Наши приколы". мдаа.. Длительность: 3:28
Большое спасибо Андрею Ким за съемку и монтаж. А так же большое спасибо всем ребятам кто помогал и принимал участие в съемках: Роман "Мангал" Манакин, Генадий "Fullgreen", Андрей "NiD" Шевченко, Григорий Курганский, Антон Дубницкий, Аркадий Воронцов, Ваня Коптенок, Леха Кохан, Линки Демченко, Юля Гроут, Алексей Махляр, Виктор Жуйков,Карина Тохтамыш,Александр Кузнецов,Игорь Мун, Вячеслав Самаркин. Длительность: 3:12
My funny old movie about my lan team on championship july 3.... frags with 4 demos... FUNNY MOVIE GUYS! does not need criticism! www.youtube.com/DomeH1k Длительность: 2:21
Crew members rescued from sinking oil rig. As a severe storm hit in the Sea of Okhotsk on Sunday, December 18, a Russian oil rig being towed from the Kamchatka Peninsula towards Sakhalin Island began sinking quickly after a 5-meter high wave hit the vessel. The rig's lifeboats were washed away in the waves as well, leaving 67 crew members without any way to escape. Despite the harsh weather conditions and stormy seas, Russia's State Sea Rescue Coordination Center dispatched teams immediately to begin search and rescue efforts. Although 11 have been confirmed perished, another 14 were saved from the icy waters, with searches still ongoing for the remaining crew members. Our grateful thanks, all rescue team members, for your prompt and courageous efforts. With sincere sympathies for those who have lost loved ones, we pray for the safe recovery of the missing crew members and wish the survivors many cherished moments in the warm company of loved ones. Длительность: 1:03
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'My Victory' project features stories told by the Great Patriotic War veterans. Watch these memories on how the Great Victory was achieved. Длительность: 2:36
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