Короткометражный документальный фильм о нивхах острова Сахалин. Производство ГТРК Сахалин. В фильме снимались: Валентина Пулюс, Илур Кавозг, Андрей Чхаврун, Федор Мыгун, Лидия Мувчик и другие. / A short documentary describing the Nivkhi indigenous group in Sakhalin island. Starring Valentina Pulus, Ilur Kavoz, Andrey Chkhavrun, Fyodor Mygun, Lidia Muvchik and others. Длительность: 15:09
This video is watched in 69 countries worldwide.Enjoy! Это видео посмотрели уже в 69 странах мира. Спасибо всем зрителям! Съемки 2010 - 2012 гг. Длительность: 4:36
Скриншоты к видео Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk in winter / Южно-Сахалинск. Зима
Gli uomini sono stati individuati dai soccorsi al largo delle isole Sakhalin, Usciti a pesca nonostante gli avvertimenti, erano rimasti bloccati su uno strato di pack spesso un metro. Длительность: 0:27
Скриншоты к видео Russia, 600 pescatori alla deriva su lastra di ghiaccio
Here is a collection of pictures of some places that i have visited through working overseas as a Marine Engineer. This video was created to show a mate some of the amazing sights to be seen whilst travelling and working abroad. He happily says he has never been outside the UK. All i can say is, " how do you know whats good if you haven't seen how other people do it ? " Life is What you make of it :) Make mine full of fun and travels abroad. SPARKY =) This music is intended to enhance the video and no copyright infringment is intended. Artist's music that is used in this video clip are listed in order of play below (feel free to visit they're official channels =) ) - COLIN HAY - Beautiful World - www.colinhay.com www.youtube.com DAMIEN RICE - 9 crimes - www.youtube.com COLDPLAY - Swallowed in the Sea.- www.coldplay.com www.youtube.com COLDPLAY - The Scientist. www.coldplay.com Длительность: 14:36
It is native to east Asia, from Sakhalin to the north, through Japan across through Korea, mainland China, and Taiwan, wintering in southeast Asia, including the Philippines and Borneo, sometimes observed in Bengal, eastern India. This full HD motion picture was taken with Canon 7D + IS 800mm F 5.6 on Oct. 1, 2010 in Hegura Island of Japan. Длительность: 1:12
Скриншоты к видео Narcissus Flycatcher FullHD JH1RNZ