xashtuk.wordpress.com twitter.com Колендо -- самый северный посёлок Сахалина, находится в Охинском районе Сахалинской области. Широта 53,779932 -- долгота 142,783374 Длительность: 5:55
Doctor Shiraishi is specialised in the indigenous languages of the Russian island of Sakhalin. The indigenous people of Sakhalin are the Nivkh, the Uilta (Orok), and the Ainu. Длительность: 3:43
Скриншоты к видео The Nivkh language and the Ainu language. Part 4
This footage was done at Sakhalin 1 Project of Exxon Neftegaz Limited in Russia. It was one of the concerts in OPF Recreation Center. Unfortunately I don't know the names of the performers. I only know that the guy singing was from the US and the guy with violin was from Russia. Длительность: 2:45