Presidents Live Television and Radio Dialogue with the Nation.Part 2 September 27,2005 The Kremlin,Moscow Прямая линия с Президентом России 27 сентября 2005 года Южно-Сахалинск,Томск,Воркута,Ижевск,Саратов,Грозный,Рига, Геленджик, Волгоград,с.Головчино(Белгородская область,Москва It is 7 pm in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk at the moment. Our correspondent, Igor Kozhevin, is there right now. Igor, go ahead, we are waiting for questions for the President. IGOR KOZHEVIN: Greetings to Moscow from the capital of the only Russian region entirely located on islands. Good afternoon, Vladimir Vladimirovich, Good afternoon, Yekaterina, Good afternoon, Sergei. VLADIMIR PUTIN: Good afternoon. IGOR KOZHEVIN: Everything here in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk is ready for the Direct Line with the Kremlin and we just need to decide now who will put the first question. Who would like to go first? Please introduce yourself. IRINA KISELYOVA: Irina Kisleyova. Im an accountant. Hello, Vladimir Vladimirovich. VLADIMIR PUTIN: Good afternoon. IRINA KISELYOVA: I have been living on Sakhalin for more than 20 years now. I work outside the city and to save time I have to drive my car to work. The sharp jump in petrol prices lately has me and all my friends in shock. Here on Sakhalin, 95-type petrol now costs 21 roubles, and this is here, in our oil-rich region! So, my question is, what situation can we expect to see regarding petrol prices in the new year? VLADIMIR PUTIN: This is an important issue at the moment not just <b>...</b> Длительность: 9:55
Скриншоты к видео В.Путин.Прямая линия.27.09.05.Part 2
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