$38 BILLION gas PROJECT RUSSIAN GAS Giant 'Gazprom' TO Supply ASIAN MARKETS Moscow Region, Russia October 29, 2012 -Video from RIA Novosti (Видео с Российское агентство международных новостей) Russian President Vladimir Putin met with Gazprom CEO Aleksey Miller at the presidential residence outside Moscow on Monday. The discussions focused on the Eastern Gas Program, the development of gas fields in Siberia, and the construction of new pipeline routes. Putin said the state-run gas company should accelerate prospecting at the Chayanda gas field in Yakutia and the construction of a pipeline linking to Vladivostok on the Pacific coast. Miller reported that overall investments to fulfil these tasks will be around 1.2 trillion rubles ($38 billion). "Constructing the facility requires 430 billion rubles, with some 770 billion for the construction of the gas pipeline", he said. The project is aimed at boosting Gazprom's presence on Asia-Pacific markets. "This is the largest market in the world, and one that is developing very swiftly... So there are lots of prospects, and in the near future we will be able to set up facilities at par with those that supply gas to Europe or even better ones", Miller told Putin. * Aleksey Miller, Gazprom CEO (speaking Russian): Mr. Putin, Gazprom has been consistently implementing the Eastern Gas Programme. Two gas-production centres have been created -- in Kamchatka and Sakhalin. Two gas-main pipelines have been built -- from Sobolevo to <b>...</b> Длительность: 4:56
Скриншоты к видео $38 BILLION gas PROJECT | RUSSIAN GAS Giant 'Gazprom' TO Supply ASIAN MARKETS
Authorities and the population in Russia's Far East are closely watching reports from Japan, where nuclear specialists are struggling to bring Fukushima power plant under control, as a major disaster could affect the whole region. There is a general public fear that the plant damaged by the powerful earthquake last week could blow up and release radioactive cloud similar to what happened with the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. With westward wind, it would take only about a day for the contaminated cloud to reach Sakhalin Island, where some half a million people live. Residents in Sakhalin have been preparing for a possible disaster. Local medical equipment shops have put in urgent orders for additional portable radiation detectors after their stock sold out over the weekend. Demand for potassium iodide, a drug which can be used as protection from radiation poisoning, has also surged. People are afraid that either Japanese or local authorities may be downplaying the danger posed by Fukushima plant and are preparing for the worst. Meanwhile, local authorities are constantly monitoring the radiation levels, which remain normal so far. They are also prepared to start evacuation from the Kuril Islands, the closest Russian territory to Japan, at any minute. Длительность: 4:12
Скриншоты к видео Russia braces for Radiation ( far east )
rt.com Georgy Toloraya from Russia's national committee on Asia-Pacific security explains that Japan has recently quarreled over territorial issues with all its neighbours. "We remember well the row about the Senkaku, or Diaoyu islands. Now Japan has instigated this scandal about the Kuril Islands." Toloraya believes the Japanese stance on territorial issues is connected with its internal politics. "Tokyo wants to get support from its constituencies. Rethinking of Japan's external strategies is also underway. Hence, the government of Japan is inclined more to conflict than to compromise," he says. Длительность: 3:56
Скриншоты к видео Japan has territorial disputes with all its neighbours - RT 101101
'My Victory' project features stories told by the Great Patriotic War veterans. Watch these memories on how the Great Victory was achieved. Длительность: 2:54
Скриншоты к видео Sakhalin-2_My Victory project_story_37