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Показаны сообщения с ярлыком Географическое положение острова сахалин. Показать все сообщения
Показаны сообщения с ярлыком Географическое положение острова сахалин. Показать все сообщения
вторник, 19 июня 2012 г.


IMG_0548.MOVТест мотора 1 uz-fe vvt-i altezza v8 sakhalin без лаунча
Длительность: 0:55

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Видео IMG_0548.MOV Video IMG_0548.MOV IMG_0548.MOV
суббота, 18 февраля 2012 г.

Kuril Islands stolen from Japan by the Russians

Kuril Islands stolen from Japan by the RussiansThe Kuril Islands are a chain of islands stretching across the Pacific Ocean from Northern Japan, north of the Japanese island of Hokkaido to the Russian peninsula of Kamchatka. The majority of the islands were considered part of Japan throughout much of prerecorded history. In the 17th century Russia advanced eastward and expressed interest in the island chain. In 1855 the "Treaty of Commerce, Navigation and Delimitation / Shimoda Treaty" was signed between Japan and Russia acknowledging the four southernmost islands of the chain belonging to Japan. Subsequently in 1875 another treaty was signed between the two nations: Japan (Nihon-koku) and Russia (the once "Evil Empire" / Soviet Union). It was the "Treaty of Saint Petersburg / Karafuto-Chishima Kokan Joyaku." This treaty acknowledged Japanese dominance over the whole chain of islands from Hokkaido, Japan to Kamchatka, Russia. In return Japan acknowledged Russian dominance over the island of Sakhalin. This treaty remained until August, 1945. In the closing days of World War Two the Soviet Union (Russia, The Union of the Soviet Socialist Republics -- USSR "the Evil Empire") decided to honor comments made to their allies and entered the War in the Pacific against Japan. The commies invaded the Japanese in Manchuria. Then after the cessation of hostilities the commies occupied and stole the Kuril Islands, specifically the four large islands of the chain just north of Hokkaido, Japan. There were 17000 Japanese inhabiting <b>...</b>
Длительность: 4:46

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Kuril Islands stolen from Japan by the Russians
Видео Kuril Islands stolen from Japan by the Russians Video Kuril Islands stolen from Japan by the Russians Kuril Islands stolen from Japan by the Russians
вторник, 31 мая 2011 г.

Цирк "Анастасия" Олег Кононов, Василий Колос Сахалин 2011

Цирк "Анастасия" Олег Кононов, Василий Колос Сахалин 2011Цирк "Анастасия" Олег Кононов, Василий Колос Сахалин 2011
Длительность: 2:12

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Цирк "Анастасия" Олег Кононов, Василий Колос Сахалин 2011
Видео Цирк "Анастасия" Олег Кононов, Василий Колос Сахалин 2011 Video Цирк "Анастасия" Олег Кононов, Василий Колос Сахалин 2011 Цирк "Анастасия" Олег Кононов, Василий Колос Сахалин 2011
четверг, 1 января 2009 г.

sakhalin opf winter

sakhalin opf wintertail end of a blizzard.
Длительность: 0:44

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sakhalin opf winter
Видео sakhalin opf winter Video sakhalin opf winter sakhalin opf winter


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