Here is a collection of pictures of some places that i have visited through working overseas as a Marine Engineer. This video was created to show a mate some of the amazing sights to be seen whilst travelling and working abroad. He happily says he has never been outside the UK. All i can say is, " how do you know whats good if you haven't seen how other people do it ? " Life is What you make of it :) Make mine full of fun and travels abroad. SPARKY =) This music is intended to enhance the video and no copyright infringment is intended. Artist's music that is used in this video clip are listed in order of play below (feel free to visit they're official channels =) ) - COLIN HAY - Beautiful World - DAMIEN RICE - 9 crimes - COLDPLAY - Swallowed in the Sea.- COLDPLAY - The Scientist. Длительность: 14:36
Uilta (Sakhalin Indigenous People) ABC Book was created as part of the Sakhalin-2 Project and presented at the Parliament Hearings in Moscow on October 2nd, 2008. Длительность: 6:24
Скриншоты к видео Sakhalin-2 Project_Uilta ABC Book_Parliament Hearings_Oct 2008.wmv
Recordings of the communications between pilots of Soviet fighter planes and the ground control in the Far East Russian island of Sakhalin on Sept. 1, 1983. The ground control ordered a pilot to shoot down a Korean Airlines Flight 007 that entered Soviet airspace west of Sakhalin Island. Japans Self-Defense Forces SIGINT unit, located in Wakkanai, the northernmost tip of Japan, intercepted the communications. Длительность: 10:20