Arthur Kinoy (September 20, 1920-September 19, 2003), was an attorney and progressive civil rights leader who became a professor of law at the Rutgers School of Law—Newark. He was one of the founders of the Center for Constitutional Rights and successfully argued before the Supreme Court of the United States. Kinoy was born on September 29, 1920 in New York City. He is an alumnus of Harvard University (AB, 1941), where he graduated magna cum laude, and of Columbia University (LL.B., 1947). As a student at Harvard, Kinoy was a member of the national executive committee of the American Student Union. Kinoy was attorney for the United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America (UE), labeled a Communist-controlled union by the segregationist Mississippi Sen. James O. Eastland's Senate Internal Security Subcommittee (SISS). He took an active part in the defense of Ethel and Julius Rosenberg, who were executed on June 19, 1953, after conviction of atomic espionage. Kinoy made two last-minute efforts to save the Rosenbergs from execution. In the 1950s, he was associated with the law firm of Donner, Kinoy & Perlin, attorneys for such left-wing groups as the Committee for Justice for Morton Sobell and Labor Youth League. Kinoy was a member of the National Lawyers Guild, serving as national vice president in 1954. In 1964, Kinoy participated in a conference sponsored by the National Lawyers Guild's Committee for Legal Assistance in the South, to brief attorneys on legal <b>...</b> Длительность: 39:15
Скриншоты к видео Attorney and Progressive Civil Rights Leader: Arthur Kinoy Interview
In Сity College there are hundreds, thousands of students of different nationalities and different colors of skin from 17 years to 90 years old. They sit at the desks, as though they were children, in order to learn English.During their time of immigration,English becomes their second language. The common goal brings them together.Age and nationality was smoothed over.80-year-olds and 17-year-olds are sitting at the same desk. They understand each other perfectly from one look, help each other, learn together and meet together weekdays.Good professors teach here. The American, Daniel O'Connell, is one of them. He is a teacher in the Downtown campus.Having an interesting and easy personality with a sense of humor, he can hypnotize an audience with his talent. For the Japanese and the Chinese he is the best teacher because for 7 years he lived in Asian countries and knows Japanese and Chinese languages well. He is familiar with the life of Russians in the Far East and Sakhalin Island too. Daniel is going to bring students a great variety of information.The students are very curious about his travels and get a lot of impressions.They know that Daniel hasn't gone on an organized trip, he loves travel adventures and snorkeling.He has swum in the ocean with a turtle and has eaten really unusual foods - snails,dog,frogs,turtle,snake,insects.Only crocodile and abalone he has not eaten.Daniel has ridden a horse, a camel,an elephant and has wandered in the jungle.On the map he <b>...</b> Длительность: 11:14
Скриншоты к видео Magic hat, a yellow flower and Daniel's wonderful smile
Выпускной СШ № 8 г. Холмск Сахалинской обл. 10 б класс автор Ярошенко Николай кинопленка Super 8 оцифровка на видеокамеру с экрана кинопроектора Это видео есть в хорошем качестве не забудьте в настройках поставить качество 720 HD Длительность: 37:20
В городе нет воды, а Лобкин получает от Водоканала 500-800 тысяч рублей в месяц!? Давид Гинзбург на комиссии по ЖКХ в Городском Собрании Южно-Сахалинска (март 2008): «Лобкин сказал: "Если Гинзбург не откажется от 40%, то Водоканал мы у вас забираем и отдаем в другую фирму. В свою." Зачем губить такое дело, мы передали эти 40%. ... 40 % не на нем [Лобкине] оформлены.». Вопрос: "А как вы считаете, Лобкин имел какие-то доходы [от Водоканала]?" Гинзбург: "Я знаю, что он имел. ... Я думаю от 500 до 800 [тысяч рублей] ... в месяц". Полная версия видео здесь: Длительность: 1:30
Скриншоты к видео Лобкин получает от Водоканала 500-800 тысяч рублей в месяц!?