The song is about a Korean flight 007...was shot out of the sky by Russian fighters POW One Moncton's first punk rock bands. Recorded "out of the basement'', Dana Brideau-Bass Guitar,back up vocals GI Joe Gumby Cormier-drums Eric BT Mcleod-Guitar, lead vocals The music will live on.................. Joe ''Gumby''Cormier produced this video. Copy rights--. Murph3113 Korean Air Lines Flight 007 (KAL 007, KE 007),was a Korean Air Lines civilian airliner that was shot down by Soviet interceptors on 1 September 1983, over the Sea of Japan, near Moneron Island just west of Sakhalin Island. All 269 passengers and crew aboard were killed, including Lawrence McDonald, a sitting member of the United States Congress. The aircraft was en route from New York City to Seoul via Anchorage when it strayed into prohibited Soviet airspace around the time of a US reconnaissance mission. The Soviet Union initially denied knowledge of the incident but later admitted shooting the aircraft down, claiming that it was on a spy mission. The Politburo said it was a deliberate provocation by the United States, to test the Soviet Union's military preparedness, or even to provoke a war. The United States accused the Soviet Union of obstructing search and rescue operations. The Soviet military suppressed evidence sought by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) investigation, notably the flight data recorders, which were eventually released eight years later after the collapse of the <b>...</b> Длительность: 1:10
Скриншоты к видео POW Prisioners of War-Flight 007. Moncton NB.
2 человека погибли более 40 пропали без вести «На 16.00 (местного времени) поднято 14 человек, все живые, их состояние удовлетворительное. Еще обнаружены тела двух человек без признаков жизни, их планируется поднять на ледокол "Магадан", — сказал Касаев на брифинге. Платформа, принадлежащая компании "Арктикморнефтегазразведка", перевернулась в 200 километрах от побережья Сахалина. Всего на ее борту находилось 67 человек, уточнил ранее областной главк МЧС. Длительность: 1:55
Скриншоты к видео Буровая платформа перевернулась в Охотском море!
а это господа особенности русской рыбалки! Это Сахалин, вы видите протоку в озеро Тунайча (озеро примерно 35 на 10 километров) там речек много... только наши российские товарисчи закрыли главный вход в нее, аргументируя якобы рыборазводом! в итоге в этом году нереста не будет! как я думаю и в последующие... Причем насколько я понимаю, власти в курсе, так как катер местного рыбнадзора! вот так у нас гробят природные ресурсы! на раз хапнули а далее... Длительность: 0:36
Cold Fear is a third-person survival horror video game designed by Darkworks and published by Ubisoft. It was released on April 29, 2005, in Europe. In Cold Fear the player takes on the role of Tom Hansen, a former soldier now in the employ of the United States Coast Guard who has been sent in to investigate a mysterious Russian whaler Eastern Spirit in the middle of the Bering strait. The beginning cut-scenes show a SEAL team under the orders of a CIA agent, identifying the ship and trying to discover its cargo. Unfortunately, the SEAL squad is slaughtered mercilessly by an unknown threat. CIA agent Bennett then orders any government vessel in the vicinity of the Russian boat to investigate, and it is Hansen's ship which responds. As Hansen, the player finds out that the boat is occupied by hostile Russian soldiers and by strange creatures, known as "exocels", that use humans and other life forms as hosts, to feed on and to use as protection from the environment. These parasites are a threat to Hansen from inside and outside their host bodies. His investigation leads to the mystery of the ship and its lethal cargo, as well as the unethical experiments which were being carried out aboard the ship. Длительность: 9:07
Скриншоты к видео Cold Fear - The Star of Sakhalin Mission 8 Part 2