www.Sakhalin-Oil-Gas.com What do people say about the Adam Smith Conferences' Sakhalin Oil & Gas 2012? Что говорят о конференции «Нефть и Газ Сахалина» 2012 Института Адама Смита? Interview with Aya Nazarova, Project Director "Sakhalin", Head, Oil and Gas Projects, Adam Smith Conferences Интервью с Аей Назаровой, Директор проекта «Сахалин», Руководитель отдела нефтегазовых программ, Институт Адама Смита The 16th Annual Conference & Exhibition Sakhalin Oil & Gas 2012 | Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Russia | 24 - 27 September 2012 | Dom Pravitelstva 16-я ежегодная конференция и выставка «Нефть и Газ Сахалина 2012» | Южно-Сахалинск, Россия | 24 - 27 сентября 2012 | Дом Правительства Длительность: 0:51
Скриншоты к видео Interview with Aya Nazarova, Project Director "Sakhalin", Adam Smith Conferences
www.facebook.com Aleksandr Vertinsky (Russian: Александр Вертинский, 21 March 1889 in Kiev — 21 May 1957 in Leningrad) was a Russian and Soviet artist, poet, singer, composer, cabaret artist and actor who exerted seminal influence on the Russian tradition of artistic singing. Born out of wedlock, Vertinsky was brought up by his father's sister in Kiev, Ukraine, then part of the Russian Empire. He was ousted from school in 1905 and tried a variety of jobs before starting to earn his living by contributing short stories to the Kievan periodicals. In 1912 Vertinsky and his sister moved to Moscow where he failed in his ambition to join Stanislavski's Moscow Art Theatre. At that period he became addicted to cocaine, a baneful habit that would claim the life of his sister. By 1916, Vertinsky started to employ a scenic figure of Pierrot, with powdered face, singing miniature novellas-in-song known as ariettas, or "Pierrot's doleful ditties". Each song contained a prologue, exposition, culmination, and a tragic final. The novice performer was christened the "Russian Pierrot", gained renown, became an object of imitation, admiration, vilified in the press and lionized by the audiences. Simultaneously with his booming singing career, he played screen bit parts in Aleksandr Khanzhonkov's silent movies. From that time stems a lifelong friendship with Ivan Mozzhukhin. His famous piece "Vashi paltsy pakhnut ladanom" was dedicated to another film star, Vera Kholodnaya. Shortly before <b>...</b> Длительность: 3:54
Скриншоты к видео Old Russian romance by A.Vertinsky
За незаконную охоту на краба у берегов Сахалина задержаны сразу четыре судна. Все они ходили под флагом Камбоджи и находились в исключительной экономической зоне Российской Федерации. Суда с браконьерским крабом арестовали и отправили в сахалинские порты для досмотра. Об этом -- репортаж телекомпании АСТВ. Длительность: 1:59
Скриншоты к видео Сахалин_крабов выпустили в море_АСТВ.mpg
Russias biggest celebration of the year is on its way. In fact, in some Far East regions, such as Sakhalin and Kamchatka, the New Year has already arrived. Длительность: 4:16
Скриншоты к видео Champagne supernova! Russians meet New 2010 Year