Animation from Taiwan's Next Media shows the natural gas leaking from French Energy company Total's platform in the North Sea, less than 109 yards from a flare. Total have dismissed the risk of a blast at the platform, 150 miles off the east coast of Scotland. The British government said the flame had to remain burning to prevent excess gas pressure from building up. But the leak has been described as an explosion waiting to happen, from an energy consultant. Total has said it has identified the source of the gas leak, which is on a platform above sea level, but engineers say it's important to identify the source of gas before repairing the leak Длительность: 1:01
Скриншоты к видео Animation Shows Gas Leak In North Sea: An Explosion Waiting To Happen?
Alternative world and financial news for the risk industry; encompasses coverage of real time events likely to lead to eventual insurance and reinsurance claims. Interviews with newsmakers. 1. Korean tensions after Kim's death 2. Fire may slow iPad production 3. New Zealand flood claims 4. Russian oil rig accident 5. Kazakh oil riots 6. After UK no vote Lloyd's will work w/Brussels 7. Philippine storm kills hundreds Длительность: 3:49
Скриншоты к видео CATEX News December 19, 2011: Korean tensions after Kim's death, Philippine storm kills hundreds