www.nuformer.com | www.mocapmapping.com On September 8 NuFormer performed a 3D video mapping projection on a 60-meter high government building in Vladivostok, Russia. 60000 people were present to witness this festive OOH event, amongst whom Russian Prime Minister Poetin. NuFormer was commissioned to create the projection to celebrate Gazprom's completion of the Sakhalin-Khabarovsk-Vladivostok gas pipeline. The projection content was a visualisation of the process of gas extraction, travelling along the pipelines through different landscapes and finally arriving at the process of energy production to supply thousands of households with electricity. The animation featured high quality 2D and 3D content. The crowd in Vladivostok responded highly enthusiastic to the spectacular 3D video mapping projection, which ended with the Gazprom logo being 'welded' onto the building. The projection, recorded by many amongst the audience, quickly spread on the Internet, greatly showing the spin-off value of 3D mapping projection on buildings for marketing purposes. Script, storyboard, content production and technical production by NuFormer. The hardware transport was a joint effort of our client, NuFormer and CT Holland/JVR, hardware provided by our hardware partner CT Holland/JVR. Длительность: 5:07
Скриншоты к видео NuFormer 3D Video Mapping - Gazprom, Vladivostok, Russia, September 2011
Якубович Л.А. Булдаков А.И.Кабо О.И. и др. замечательные люди в гостях у лётчиков Южно-Сахалинского аэроклуба! Снимал и монтировал я,прошу не судить строго... Длительность: 5:06
Скриншоты к видео Южно-Сахалинский аэроклуб...Визит ЗВЁЗД
На Сахалине опять собака убила ребенка. Страшный инцидент произошел в поселке Березняки. Двухлетнюю девочку загрыз сторожевой пес. В этом году псы уже убили одного ребенка из города Холмск. Виновными признали городские власти, которые не откликнулись на просьбы горожан избавить их опасного соседства. Кто понесёт наказание в новом случае, разбирались репортеры сахалинской телекомпании ОТВ. Длительность: 1:58
Скриншоты к видео Сахалин_собака загрызла ребенка-ОТВ.mpg
Rounding out the last two videos is this 1949 three-parter; an interesting vocal piece rarely heard outside of Japan and likely very unfamiliar to the casual Akira Ifukube-fan. It's entitled: "Three Lullabies Among the Native Tribes On the Island of Sakhalin." This is the third part of the lullaby called "umpn ja: ja:" **** For more information regarding this work, follow this link: www.akiraifukube.org And visit AkiraIfukube.org for more general info on the composer's life and works. **** Please comment, rate, and subscribe if you enjoy this and other music from my "Master Works" series. **** Disclaimer: As usual, I own nothing here and cannot provide any of the music you'll be hearing. Enjoy! Длительность: 2:23
Скриншоты к видео Akira Ifukube--Master Works: Three Lullabies Among the Native Tribes Part 3