DJ Andrey Splash (Soho Rooms) DJ, продюсер с 1999 г. Резидент Soho Rooms и Luxury Music. Автор многочисленных треков, ремиксов, аранжировок, бутлегов и мэшапов. Регулярное попадание треков в плейлисты огромного количества диджеев, на танцполы всевозможных клубов России и зарубежья, в эфиры различных радиостанций - все это результат непрерывной и упорной студийной работы. Такая особенность дает широкие возможности использовать на выступлениях стопроцентно эксклюзивный материал, как собственный, так и от коллег по диджейскому цеху. Независимо от заведения слушателям всегда запоминается отличная подборка материала, зажигательная подача и профессиональное исполнение. Фоторепортаж 1 день: Фоторепортаж 2 день: В видео использовались следующие композиции: DJ Kuba & Ne!tan Feat. Flip Da Scrip - Party Hard (Funkwell Remix) Длительность: 3:53
Russian President Vladimir Putin believes the national judo team's performance at the London Olympics was "truly outstanding". During a meeting with Sakhalin Governor Aleksander Khoroshavin and regional officials the president said: "Our judo national team is the best in the world and is officially recognized as such. This is not only our team's record; we are also the first in history of the Games to receive five medals, including three gold ones." "This is indeed very good performance. But this is not the right time to rest on our laurels. It's time to keep working. And please take all of this seriously: it is experts like you who should headhunt for talented young people. It is you who should help them to explore their potential in a comprehensive and balanced way and prepare them for the future." Длительность: 4:02
May 22, 2010 - First op, Part 6 of 6 from airsoft event at Marina, CA; presented by Roundhouse Productions. US Army (ACU BDU's) and Georgian Army (Our group and other Woodland BDU's) Vs. Ossetian Seperatists (Desert BDU top with blue jeans or Solid Tan BDU top with blue jeans) and Sakhalin Energy Consultants (Multicam BDU's) Длительность: 7:15
Скриншоты к видео Dogs Of War @ Operation Caspian Gold, Pt. 6 of 6 (First Op)
Two Routes were chosen to reach Bangkok in time for ANGVA 2007 under this project: Eastern Route: Chuncheon, Korea to Bangkok. Oct 22nd Nov 29th 2009. Champion NGVI (Korea) / PTT (Thailand) Sponsors NGVI, PTT, NGVI-Thai, Ministry of Environment Korea, Gangwon Province Korea, Chuncheon City Korea, Donghae City Korea, Woodward, ITT Industries, Landirenzo, GMS Rally, Faber Cylinders, FuelMaker, Tata Daewoo, Mototron, NGV School, VTI Automotive, KwangShin, Clark, Swagelok, Hwayoung, GANGV. Team Leader Ryan Freer (Korea) Southern Route: Singapore to Bangkok Nov 21st Nov 29th 2007. Champion Smart Energy (Singapore) /PETRONAS (Malaysia) / PTT (Thailand). Main Sponsors PTT NGV, PETRONAS, ABA Gas, NAZA, PROTON, Smart Energy, Melchers Team Leaders William Aw (Singapore) / M. Shalan (Malaysia) The two routes were self-funded through sponsors and contribution in kinds with PTT covering all costs incurred in Thailand. ANGVA is now inviting proposals and sponsorships for participation and implementation of the upcoming ANGVA Green Highways 2009. Project to raise awareness and initiate fueling infrastructure ANGVAs inaugural Green Highways project was launched at a rapturous departure ceremony in Chuncheon City, Korea on Monday October 22nd as the caravan of the Eastern Highway embarked on the journey toward Bangkok. The 2007 Green Highways Project will consist of two caravans of NGVs departing from East and South Routes to arrive concurrently in Bangkok to coincide with the 27 -29 <b>...</b> Длительность: 5:00
Скриншоты к видео NGVI CNG Natural Gas Vehicles International NGV ANGVAs Green Highway Project Launched in Korea NGVs