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Показаны сообщения с ярлыком Сахалин смотреть онлайн. Показать все сообщения
Показаны сообщения с ярлыком Сахалин смотреть онлайн. Показать все сообщения
воскресенье, 1 июля 2012 г.

Досрочное голосование на о. Монерон

Досрочное голосование на о. Монерон(Президентские выборы - 2012)
Длительность: 5:14

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Досрочное голосование на о. Монерон
Видео Досрочное голосование на о. Монерон Video Досрочное голосование на о. Монерон Досрочное голосование на о. Монерон
четверг, 24 мая 2012 г.

YSS Soundquake: 5/23/2012 15:02:25 GMT

YSS Soundquake: 5/23/2012 15:02:25 GMTThis is a sonification of the Hokkaido, Japan Region 6.2MB earthquake (5/23/2012 15:02:25 GMT). It was made from a seismogram recorded by the global seismic station YSS in SAKHALIN, RUSSIA. Find more at www.flyrok.org.
Длительность: 0:02

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YSS Soundquake: 5/23/2012 15:02:25 GMT
Видео YSS Soundquake: 5/23/2012 15:02:25 GMT Video YSS Soundquake: 5/23/2012 15:02:25 GMT YSS Soundquake: 5/23/2012 15:02:25 GMT
четверг, 1 декабря 2011 г.

Great Railway Journeys, Sakhalin Russia

Great Railway Journeys, Sakhalin RussiaStepping onboard the overnight sleeper;-Hi Guy's, I have two very short videos here of some trains I saw and travelled on a recent work trip to Sakhalin, Sakhalin is part of Russia, and is Russia's largest island, which is about one-quarter the size of Japan, and just off the East coast of Russia, and just north of Japan. I had to travel from Yuzhno the capitol in the south to Nogliki in the north, on an overnight train, a journey of some 14 hours, I had never been on a train for 14 hours before, and although there was not a great deal to see on the journey, other than trees when the light was good enough to see out, it was an interesting railway experience, each carriage on the train has a stewardess, who checked your ticket and your passport on boarding, even though we were not crossing any international borders. The checking of a passport by a rather straight faced and robust looking stewardess to board a train seemed like a throwback to the days of the USSR as seen in an old spy movie of the cold war years. The stewardess's also prepare each compartment with fresh linen and they also served food, coffee and vodka etc in the first class carriages, and whilst each carriage had a stewardess the level of service was slightly different for each class. The journey was like going back in time to when train travel was quite different, the trains looked quite dated but were clan and comfortable and had mats carpets and curtains and it seemed typically Russian, dated and <b>...</b>
Длительность: 2:14

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Great Railway Journeys, Sakhalin Russia
Видео Great Railway Journeys, Sakhalin Russia Video Great Railway Journeys, Sakhalin Russia Great Railway Journeys, Sakhalin Russia
воскресенье, 19 сентября 2010 г.

На Сахалине заработали магазины через терминалы

На Сахалине заработали магазины через терминалыwww.e-moneynews.ru Сеть интернет-магазинов открылась на Сахалине. Сделать покупку он-лайн можно быстро и просто, надо лишь иметь под рукой компьютер с выходом в Интернет. А доставят заказ даже в самые отдаленные районы
Длительность: 3:15

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На Сахалине заработали магазины через терминалы
Видео На Сахалине заработали магазины через терминалы Video На Сахалине заработали магазины через терминалы На Сахалине заработали магазины через терминалы
среда, 12 августа 2009 г.

Nuclear Lighthouse 55 (Атомной Маяк 55) [Part 1/6]

Nuclear Lighthouse 55 (Атомной Маяк 55) [Part 1/6]Video index photo: www.chnpp.info Mayak (Russian: Маяк, "beacon" or "lighthouse) is a nuclear fuel reprocessing plant between the towns of Kasli and Kyshtym, 72 km northwest of Chelyabinsk in Russia. The plant is in the Ozersk central administrative territorial unit (formerly Chelyabinsk-40 and Chelyabinsk-65), and part of the Chelyabinsk Oblast. en.wikipedia.org Working conditions at Mayak resulted in severe health hazards and many accidents, with a serious accident occurring in 1957 called the "Kyshtym disaster". The accident is classified as a Level 6 disaster on the International Nuclear Event Scale, Chernobyl is rated at Level 7. en.wikipedia.org The Mayak plant is associated with two other major nuclear accidents. The first occurred as a result of heavy rains causing Lake Karachay, sometimes spelled Karachai, polluted with radioactive waste to release radioactive material into surrounding waters. In 1968, following a drought in the region, the wind carried radioactive dust away from the dried area of the lake. Lake Karachay is the most polluted spot on Earth. The radiation level in the region near where radioactive effluent is discharged into the lake was 600 r
Длительность: 8:01

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Nuclear Lighthouse 55 (Атомной Маяк 55) [Part 1/6]
Видео Nuclear Lighthouse 55 (Атомной Маяк 55) [Part 1/6] Video Nuclear Lighthouse 55 (Атомной Маяк 55) [Part 1/6] Nuclear Lighthouse 55 (Атомной Маяк 55) [Part 1/6]


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