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четверг, 27 декабря 2012 г.

TG16-053 (RZD). Reload.

TG16-053 (RZD). Reload.Тепловоз ТГ16-053. Станция Взморье, Сахалинская область, Россия. 2009. Петришин Михаил / Бекиров Игорь. Воздух Свободы. TG16-053 diesel locomotive. Vzmorie station, Sakhalin region, Russia. 2009. Mikhail Petrishin / Igor Bekirov.
Длительность: 3:33

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TG16-053 (RZD). Reload.
Видео TG16-053 (RZD). Reload. Video TG16-053 (RZD). Reload. TG16-053 (RZD). Reload.

El rescate de dos oseznos que perdieron a su madre

El rescate de dos oseznos que perdieron a su madreDos oseznos de tres meses han sido encontrados a salvo en los bosques de la isla rusa de Sakhalin, en el extremo oriental del pa
Длительность: 0:43

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El rescate de dos oseznos que perdieron a su madre
Видео El rescate de dos oseznos que perdieron a su madre Video El rescate de dos oseznos que perdieron a su madre El rescate de dos oseznos que perdieron a su madre

Twee beertjes gered van de dood

Twee beertjes gered van de doodDe drie maanden oude welpen Masjka en Mishka zijn op het Oost-Russische eiland Sakhalin van de dood gered door twee boswachters. De moeder van de twee was waarschijnlijk doodgeschoten door jagers.
Длительность: 0:34

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Twee beertjes gered van de dood
Видео Twee beertjes gered van de dood Video Twee beertjes gered van de dood Twee beertjes gered van de dood

Sakhalin Energy_Season greetings_2013.wmv

Sakhalin Energy_Season greetings_2013.wmvSeason's greetings from Sakhalin Energy. Wishing happy, healthy and prosperous 2013.
Длительность: 0:22

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Sakhalin Energy_Season greetings_2013.wmv
Видео Sakhalin Energy_Season greetings_2013.wmv Video Sakhalin Energy_Season greetings_2013.wmv Sakhalin Energy_Season greetings_2013.wmv

Холмск предновогодний

Холмск предновогоднийСобрал ассорти предновогоднее Или всеми любимое оливье На новогоднем столе Что бы поднять настроение Пробки ща не только в Москве Но и в моем городе Холмске Снег валит и морозище Слепакову респектище
Длительность: 3:29

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Холмск предновогодний
Видео Холмск предновогодний Video Холмск предновогодний Холмск предновогодний
вторник, 25 декабря 2012 г.

July 3, 2012 Russia_Medvedev arrives in Southern Kuril Islands

July 3, 2012 Russia_Medvedev arrives in Southern Kuril IslandsRussian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev on Tuesday arrived in the Southern Kuril island of Kunashir, with his plane touching down at Mendeleyevo Airport. The premier visited the port, some industrial sites and social facilities, including the local hospital. The disputed Southern Kuril Islands fell under Soviet control after World War II and have since been considered Russian territory. Tokyo, however, claims the islands -- known as the Northern Territories by the Japanese -- belong to Japan. Earlier on Tuesday, at a meeting on the Sakhalin region's socioeconomic development, Medvedev said that it is a very important area for government members to visit. "I would like to stress that I deem it very important that members of the government visit the Kurils. We did so before and we'll continue this practice, with the new government -- the reasons for that are obvious - it's an important part of the Sakhalin region and just an important part of our Russian soil." He also said the Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk No. 1 heat and power plant should be modernized as a matter of priority. "Particular attention should be paid to modernizing South Sakhalin Heat and Electric Power Plant Number One, as well as the power grid in Sakhalin. I would like for the Ministry of Energy, the Ministry of Regional Development, the Ministry for Development of the Far East, the Ministry of Economic Development, when working on a new version of the federal dedicated program of economic and social development of the <b>...</b>
Длительность: 8:34

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July 3, 2012 Russia_Medvedev arrives in Southern Kuril Islands
Видео July 3, 2012 Russia_Medvedev arrives in Southern Kuril Islands Video July 3, 2012 Russia_Medvedev arrives in Southern Kuril Islands July 3, 2012 Russia_Medvedev arrives in Southern Kuril Islands

July 3, 2012 Russia_Russia, Japan should co-operate toward peace treaty -- Lavrov

July 3, 2012 Russia_Russia, Japan should co-operate toward peace treaty -- LavrovRussian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov on Tuesday talked to reporters after a meeting with his Vietnamese counterpart Pham Binh Minh in Moscow. He said that Russia finds the reactions to the conference from some Syrian opposition groups and some Western powers regrettable. "Unfortunately, some members of the Syrian opposition began to proclaim that the Geneva accords were not acceptable for them, and in parallel, some Western participants of the Geneva conference began to distort the achieved accords in their public statements", he said. He also said that Russia will not participate in a meeting of the Friends of Syria group, but will attend a meeting with the Syrian opposition, to be held in Cairo. The Russian foreign minister also commented on the Japanese reaction to Prime Minister Medvedev's visit to the Southern Kuril Islands in Russia's Sakhalin Region. Tokyo claims the islands belong to Japan. Lavrov said he does not think Russia should react to Japanese protests against the visit and that the two countries should co-operate in working towards signing a peace treaty. Without it they are technically still at war, following World War II. "We should move towards the Peace Treaty not through periodically resumed protests on occasions or without an occasion, but through implementing the accords achieved at the summit level between the leaders of the Russian Federation and Japan on deepening the interaction in absolutely all the spheres of the bilateral co-operation and <b>...</b>
Длительность: 6:06

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July 3, 2012 Russia_Russia, Japan should co-operate toward peace treaty -- Lavrov
Видео July 3, 2012 Russia_Russia, Japan should co-operate toward peace treaty -- Lavrov Video July 3, 2012 Russia_Russia, Japan should co-operate toward peace treaty -- Lavrov July 3, 2012 Russia_Russia, Japan should co-operate toward peace treaty -- Lavrov


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