Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov on Tuesday talked to reporters after a meeting with his Vietnamese counterpart Pham Binh Minh in Moscow. He said that Russia finds the reactions to the conference from some Syrian opposition groups and some Western powers regrettable. "Unfortunately, some members of the Syrian opposition began to proclaim that the Geneva accords were not acceptable for them, and in parallel, some Western participants of the Geneva conference began to distort the achieved accords in their public statements", he said. He also said that Russia will not participate in a meeting of the Friends of Syria group, but will attend a meeting with the Syrian opposition, to be held in Cairo. The Russian foreign minister also commented on the Japanese reaction to Prime Minister Medvedev's visit to the Southern Kuril Islands in Russia's Sakhalin Region. Tokyo claims the islands belong to Japan. Lavrov said he does not think Russia should react to Japanese protests against the visit and that the two countries should co-operate in working towards signing a peace treaty. Without it they are technically still at war, following World War II. "We should move towards the Peace Treaty not through periodically resumed protests on occasions or without an occasion, but through implementing the accords achieved at the summit level between the leaders of the Russian Federation and Japan on deepening the interaction in absolutely all the spheres of the bilateral co-operation and <b>...</b> Длительность: 6:06
Скриншоты к видео July 3, 2012 Russia_Russia, Japan should co-operate toward peace treaty -- Lavrov
This video was inspired by TheActingJern's Gundam 00 AMV with this song. Link here: I think this song goes pretty well to Ginias, considering he killed off his own allies to make sure the Apsalus was complete. Sorry, didn't put enough Mobile suit fighting in the vid. In case you couldn't tell, at the end, i tried to make it look like Ginias killed Shiro, and blew up the Big Tray w/o dying himself. Длительность: 3:04
Скриншоты к видео Gundam 08th MS Team Tribute to Ginias: Be Prepared
группа "Невесты"- трио аккордеонисток на открытие газопровода Сахалин-Хабаровск-Владивосток.08.09.2011/ They opened gas-pipe in Sakhalin-Khabarovsk-Vladivostok.. Группа "Невесты" ("The Brides"group ) - Проект Продюсерского центра Сергея Войтенко. тел +79252222925, concert director+79171679076, manager+79637865883, +79258669084 Cергей. e mail:, Длительность: 3:27
Скриншоты к видео группа "Невесты"/"The Brides"group
This is a sonification of the East Of North Island, NZ 6.0M earthquake (9/15/2011 07:53:12 GMT). It was made from a seismogram recorded by the global seismic station YSS in SAKHALIN, RUSSIA. Find more at Длительность: 0:08
Скриншоты к видео YSS Soundquake: 9/15/2011 07:53:12 GMT
Press Conference following the G8 Summit.Part 2 July 9, 2008 Toyako, Hokkaido, Japan Пресс-конференция по окончании встречи глав государств и правительств «Группы восьми» 9 июля 2008 года Япония, Хоккайдо, Тояко-онсэн As before, counteracting international terrorism is a relevant topic. The positions of our countries on this issue remain unchanged, as our joint statement has indicated. We also reiterated the central role of the United Nations Organization in fighting that evil and new G8 steps in the field of counter-terrorism. We have managed to narrow the differences over the most complicated regional and international issues: we have discussed them seriously and in some detail. I mean the settlement of the situation in Afghanistan, the Middle East, and the nuclear programmes of Iran and the Korean Peoples Democratic Republic. On all these topics we have similar or identical positions on how to solve these crisis situations. In light of developments in the Middle East, we have confirmed our proposal to host, in Moscow, a conference in support of Middle East peace settlement. A few words about the meeting between the G8 leaders and those of five major developing countries. The discussion has shown that it is necessary to work consistently to bring the interaction with these states to a new level, to build on the foundation of the Heiligendamm process. Obviously, today no global problem can be solved without taking into account the opinion of leading countries in Asia <b>...</b> Длительность: 10:07
Скриншоты к видео Д.Медведев.Пресс-конференция G8.09.07.08.Part 2