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Показаны сообщения с ярлыком Горячие ключи сахалин. Показать все сообщения
Показаны сообщения с ярлыком Горячие ключи сахалин. Показать все сообщения
вторник, 25 декабря 2012 г.

July 3, 2012 Russia_Russia, Japan should co-operate toward peace treaty -- Lavrov

July 3, 2012 Russia_Russia, Japan should co-operate toward peace treaty -- LavrovRussian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov on Tuesday talked to reporters after a meeting with his Vietnamese counterpart Pham Binh Minh in Moscow. He said that Russia finds the reactions to the conference from some Syrian opposition groups and some Western powers regrettable. "Unfortunately, some members of the Syrian opposition began to proclaim that the Geneva accords were not acceptable for them, and in parallel, some Western participants of the Geneva conference began to distort the achieved accords in their public statements", he said. He also said that Russia will not participate in a meeting of the Friends of Syria group, but will attend a meeting with the Syrian opposition, to be held in Cairo. The Russian foreign minister also commented on the Japanese reaction to Prime Minister Medvedev's visit to the Southern Kuril Islands in Russia's Sakhalin Region. Tokyo claims the islands belong to Japan. Lavrov said he does not think Russia should react to Japanese protests against the visit and that the two countries should co-operate in working towards signing a peace treaty. Without it they are technically still at war, following World War II. "We should move towards the Peace Treaty not through periodically resumed protests on occasions or without an occasion, but through implementing the accords achieved at the summit level between the leaders of the Russian Federation and Japan on deepening the interaction in absolutely all the spheres of the bilateral co-operation and <b>...</b>
Длительность: 6:06

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July 3, 2012 Russia_Russia, Japan should co-operate toward peace treaty -- Lavrov
Видео July 3, 2012 Russia_Russia, Japan should co-operate toward peace treaty -- Lavrov Video July 3, 2012 Russia_Russia, Japan should co-operate toward peace treaty -- Lavrov July 3, 2012 Russia_Russia, Japan should co-operate toward peace treaty -- Lavrov
понедельник, 30 июля 2012 г.

Солнцевский разрез порт Шахтерск

Солнцевский разрез порт ШахтерскСюжет ГТРК "Сахалин", программа "Вести экономика". Апрель 2012 года.
Длительность: 3:43

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Солнцевский разрез порт Шахтерск
Видео Солнцевский разрез порт Шахтерск Video Солнцевский разрез порт Шахтерск Солнцевский разрез порт Шахтерск
пятница, 3 февраля 2012 г.

Richard Benyon, UK Environment Minister, talks about the critically endangered Western Gray Whale

Richard Benyon, UK Environment Minister, talks about the critically endangered Western Gray WhaleThe Western Gray Whale is critically endangered. Only 130 survive, of which only about 30 are breeding females. They feed on the sea bed off Sakhalin Island, North East Russia, which is also the location of one of the largest oil and gas developments in the world. In this video, Richard Benyon, Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Minister, talks about the need for everybody - governments, oil companies, and the public - to do their bit to protect the critically endangered population before it is too late.
Длительность: 1:31

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Richard Benyon, UK Environment Minister, talks about the critically endangered Western Gray Whale
Видео Richard Benyon, UK Environment Minister, talks about the critically endangered Western Gray Whale Video Richard Benyon, UK Environment Minister, talks about the critically endangered Western Gray Whale Richard Benyon, UK Environment Minister, talks about the critically endangered Western Gray Whale
пятница, 23 декабря 2011 г.

Gate of Ice and Snow 2/13

Gate of Ice and Snow 2/13No subtitles are available. This film was prohibited to show at theaters due to diplomatic pressure. This story is a tribute to telegram office women in Karafuto, Sakhalin, who died due to attack by Soviet Union after the end of world war 2. End of the ww2 of Japan was on August 15, 1945. While Soviet attack was made on August 20 th 1945. Russia still occupies Japanese Northern Islands illegally, even though Sakhalin and all of Chishima, the Kuril Islands, belong to Japan. I heard that some Russian positivist professors have started to teach the truth to students though.
Длительность: 6:49

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Gate of Ice and Snow 2/13
Видео Gate of Ice and Snow 2/13 Video Gate of Ice and Snow 2/13 Gate of Ice and Snow 2/13
четверг, 24 ноября 2011 г.

Ciklon iz Sahalina dobralsya do Primor'ya

Ciklon iz Sahalina dobralsya do Primor'yahutko.net Это привело к отключениям электричества - из-за оборванных проводов света нет в нескольких посёлках и городах, в том числе в некоторых районах Южно-Сахалинска. Ликвидировать все аварии обещают в течение дня. Тем временем пришлось остановить работу паромной переправы, связывающей порты Холмск и Ванино - в Татарском проливе сейчас сильный шторм. Аэропорт пока функционирует в нормальном режиме. Похожие погодные условия сохраняются в восточных районах Приморского края, по которому стихия ударила ещё накануне. Там в целях безопасности ограничено сообщение с рядом населённых пунктов; с островами Русский и Попова, а также с китайским Харбином. Завтра циклон ожидают на Камчатке.
Длительность: 0:31

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Ciklon iz Sahalina dobralsya do Primor'ya
Видео Ciklon iz Sahalina dobralsya do Primor'ya Video Ciklon iz Sahalina dobralsya do Primor'ya Ciklon iz Sahalina dobralsya do Primor'ya
пятница, 17 июня 2011 г.

кривое яйцо на Сахалине и другие чудеса от АСТВ.flv

кривое яйцо на Сахалине и другие чудеса от АСТВ.flvКуриное яйцо причудливой формы, странная рыба и призраки у входа в тоннель. На этот раз рубрика "АСТВ-информатор" популярной сахалинской телекомпании объединила очень разные истории, про каждую из которых можно сказать - такое случается не каждый день.
Длительность: 1:53

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кривое яйцо на Сахалине и другие чудеса от АСТВ.flv
Видео кривое яйцо на Сахалине и другие чудеса от АСТВ.flv Video кривое яйцо на Сахалине и другие чудеса от АСТВ.flv кривое яйцо на Сахалине и другие чудеса от АСТВ.flv
вторник, 19 октября 2010 г.


PART 4 GLOBAL ENERGY & THE FUTURE OF THE GAS MARKET.mp4Advances from producing nations, potential new uses for natural gas, diversified supply routes and new technologies are all impacting strategies for both suppliers and consumers of natural and liquefied gas. 1) How will new pipeline networks coming on stream in the coming years reshape the European energy security over the coming decade? 2) How might emerging technologies for extracting shale natural gas impact supply over the coming decades? 3) What new investments and technologies must Russia make if it is to consolidate its pivotal position in the global energy markets? DMITRY MEDVEDEV, PRESIDENT OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION ANNOUNCES THE WINNERS OF THE INTERNATIONAL GLOBAL ENERGY AWARD Moderator * Rair Simonyan, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Morgan Stanley Bank LLC Panelists * Ambassador Richard H. Jones, Deputy Executive Director, International Energy Agency * Edward Morse, Managing Director and Head of Global Commodities Research, Credit Suisse * Igor Sechin, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation * Dr. Daniel Yergin, Сhairman, IHS Cambridge Energy Research Associates Inc. Energy Corporation Executives (first row) * Vagit Alekperov, President, LUKOIL OJSC * Nils Smedegaard Andersen, Partner, Group CEO, AP Moller-Maersk * Vladimir Bogdanov, General Director, Surgutneftegas OJSC * Nikolay Brunich, General Director, Zarubezhneft JSC * Peter Caddy, Development Director, Argus Media Ltd * Jean-Francois Cirelli, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors <b>...</b>
Длительность: 10:54

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воскресенье, 29 августа 2010 г.

НВВПОУ, 30 лет выпуска 1980 года, 6 и 8 роты на Сахалине.

НВВПОУ, 30 лет выпуска 1980 года, 6 и 8 роты на Сахалине.Это была самая чудесная поездка на джипе по берегу Охотского моря. Абсолютно неожиданно путь нам преградила очень агрессивная нерпа, которую выбросило штормом на берег. Животное рычало как собака и было готово постоять за себя. Мы же ограничились только фотовидеосъёмкой.
Длительность: 6:09

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НВВПОУ, 30 лет выпуска 1980 года, 6 и 8 роты на Сахалине.
Видео НВВПОУ, 30 лет выпуска 1980 года, 6 и 8 роты на Сахалине. Video НВВПОУ, 30 лет выпуска 1980 года, 6 и 8 роты на Сахалине. НВВПОУ, 30 лет выпуска 1980 года, 6 и 8 роты на Сахалине.
суббота, 24 июля 2010 г.


WWII RARE Pacific War Footage IN COLOR!-MUST SEE!Great video of Pacific War...The Pacific War, also sometimes called the Asia-Pacific War[13] refers broadly to the parts of World War II that took place in the Pacific Ocean, its islands, and in the Far East. The term Pacific War is used to encompass the Pacific Ocean theatre, the South West Pacific theatre, the South-East Asian theatre and the Chinese theatre, also including the 1945 Soviet-Japanese conflict. It is generally considered that the Pacific War began on 7 December 1941 with the invasion of British Malaya and the attack on Pearl Harbor in the United States' Territory of Hawaii by the Empire of Japan.[14][15][16][17] Some authors consider that the conflict in Asia can be dated as far as 7 July 1937, beginning with the Second Sino-Japanese War between the Empire of Japan and the Republic of China, or possibly 19 September 1931, beginning with the Japanese invasion of Manchuria.[18] However, it is more widely accepted that the Pacific War itself started in early December 1941, with the Sino-Japanese War then becoming part of it as a theater of the greater World War II.[19][20] The Pacific War saw the Allied powers against the Empire of Japan, the latter briefly aided by Thailand and to lesser extent by its Axis allies Germany and Italy. The war culminated in the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and other large aerial bombing attacks by the United States Army Air Forces, accompamied by the Soviet invasion of Manchuria on 8 August 1945. These resulting in <b>...</b>
Длительность: 5:15

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Видео WWII RARE Pacific War Footage IN COLOR!-MUST SEE! Video WWII RARE Pacific War Footage IN COLOR!-MUST SEE! WWII RARE Pacific War Footage IN COLOR!-MUST SEE!
вторник, 11 ноября 2008 г.

Nicholay is a very patient man!

Nicholay is a very patient man!my feeble attempt at pronouncing 'Russia' in Russian with the help of Nicholay Matalygin as we are being transported in the Kamaz during construction of Sakhalin 1 project in the Far East.Nicholay is a very patient man! This is the reason why I had a translator 24/7.
Длительность: 0:26

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Nicholay is a very patient man!
Видео Nicholay is a very patient man! Video Nicholay is a very patient man! Nicholay is a very patient man!


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