Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov on Tuesday talked to reporters after a meeting with his Vietnamese counterpart Pham Binh Minh in Moscow. He said that Russia finds the reactions to the conference from some Syrian opposition groups and some Western powers regrettable. "Unfortunately, some members of the Syrian opposition began to proclaim that the Geneva accords were not acceptable for them, and in parallel, some Western participants of the Geneva conference began to distort the achieved accords in their public statements", he said. He also said that Russia will not participate in a meeting of the Friends of Syria group, but will attend a meeting with the Syrian opposition, to be held in Cairo. The Russian foreign minister also commented on the Japanese reaction to Prime Minister Medvedev's visit to the Southern Kuril Islands in Russia's Sakhalin Region. Tokyo claims the islands belong to Japan. Lavrov said he does not think Russia should react to Japanese protests against the visit and that the two countries should co-operate in working towards signing a peace treaty. Without it they are technically still at war, following World War II. "We should move towards the Peace Treaty not through periodically resumed protests on occasions or without an occasion, but through implementing the accords achieved at the summit level between the leaders of the Russian Federation and Japan on deepening the interaction in absolutely all the spheres of the bilateral co-operation and <b>...</b> Длительность: 6:06
Скриншоты к видео July 3, 2012 Russia_Russia, Japan should co-operate toward peace treaty -- Lavrov
Игорь Слуцкий (1967, Сахалин) - русский шансон. Игорь Слуцкий - ДОРОГАЯ (И.Слуцкий-С.Танич) С чем поздравить тебя? Не чего-то там в честь - С тем, что встретилась мне Ты такая, как есть! С чем поздравить тебя? С тем, что праздник для нас Каждый прожитый день, Каждый прожитый час. Припев: Хочу тебя поздравить, дорогая. Будь счастлива вдвоем и на миру, Будь счастлива со мною засыпая, А также просыпаясь по утру. С чем поздравить тебя? Пусть опять и опять Нам друг друга всегда Будет с чем поздравлять. С чем поздравить тебя? Не чего-то там в честь - С тем, что встретилась мне Ты такая, как есть. Припев. ======================= Игорь Слуцкий - МЕЖДУ МНОЙ И ТОБОЙ (И.Слуцкий) Отпылала заря и закаты сгорели, Только тучи плывут над моей головой. Почему мы любовь уберечь не сумели, Почему всё не так между мной и тобой? Припев: Между мной и тобой сто дорог и разлука Между мной и тобой сто ночей и туман Между мной и тобой январская вьюга Между мной и тобой седой океан. Я прошел сквозь огонь, я вернулся до срока С перебитой душой, но, как видишь, живой. Я тебя вспоминал, хоть и был я далёко Мне казалось тогда, что ты рядом со мной. Припев. Мы приходим к любви чересчур запоздало, Возвращаемся в дом безнадежно пустой. Ах, как жаль, что нельзя нам начать всё сначала, Жаль, что нету любви между мной и тобой! Припев.(2) Длительность: 7:18
Скриншоты к видео Игорь Слуцкий - Дорогая + Между мной и тобой (2009)
Russia won world war 2 alone. 9 out 10 Nazis killed, died on the eastern Front fighting the Russians. 95 % from 41 to 45! As well as all of the killed Romanians, Hungarians, Bulgarians, Finland, Spain, Croatia, and Slovakia soldiers. The Eastern Front was where all the fighting was. Over 5.7 million of the Axis armies killed by the Soviet Union On the Eastern front, where all the big battles and fighting was going on. 90% of hitlers armies. In the mean time The allies were fighting the tiny Western Front. The allies killed 1 million of the Axis Army. An only about 580000 deaths after july 41. Battle of France was deadliest battle on Western Front.Compared to over 5.7 million of the Axis army killed by the Soviets on the Giant Eastern Front. The allies probably shortened the war by a couple months for the Soviet Union, but in reality did little . The turning point in the war, was the battle of Stalingrad. The whole world was watching the battle of Stalingrad. The bloodiest battle of all time. After Hitlers Giant 6th Army, and the Axis armies of Hungary, Romania, bulgaria, and Italy were destroyed at the battle of Stalingrad. The war was over. The Soviets would march Strait through the Axis Armies, all the way eventually to Berlin Germany. Where the Red Army surrounded Berlin and hitler killed himself. After the battle of Stalingrad, world war 2 was over. The Soviet Union Liberated country <b>...</b> Длительность: 12:15
Скриншоты к видео Russia won World War 2 alone. Learn the truth, not your countrys propaganda!