Сахалин,конечно, не Австралия, Но поспорить может с ней вполне Я к нему спешу, как на свидание, Этот остров очень дорог мне. Уникальные земли создания, Как дельфины в голубой далИ, В южном полушарии Австралия, В северном бродяга-Сахалин. Остров-рыба в океане Тихом, Ты для нас, как странников привал, Не тебе ли в знаменитых Рунах Нострадамус счастье предсказал... Уникальные земли создания, Как дельфины в голубой далИ, В южном полушарии Австралия, В северном бродяга-Сахалин. Верю я,что ты, конечно,выстоишь В бурях,ураганах и штормах, И рассветов много будет встречено На прекрасных этих берегах. Уникальные земли создания, Как дельфины в голубой далИ, В южном полушарии Австралия, В северном бродяга-Сахалин. Автор стихов Наталия Зейц,исполняет Виктор Ким. Длительность: 4:02
Скриншоты к видео ***Сахалин,конечно,не Австралия.***
Hello! My name is Mapi Kuma. My father is from Hokkaido. My mother is from Sakhalin Island. I was born in Tokyo, Japan. When I was still little, I became so frail that my body was deteriorating. My mother performed three massive operations. They were all successful. Mapi Kuma was reborn stronger. I gained a special ability to travel around the world in a flash, with anyone, including my two best friends, Merry and Piko. We are very curious, adventurous and mischievous. Our mission is to make the world the happiest and most peaceful place! www.mapikuma.com Длительность: 1:28
Defeated, but Increasingly Assertive Japan Wants 4 Islands from Russia Disregarding Lost of 25 million Soviet lives in WWII /// Look into History As agreed with the Allies at the Tehran Conference and the Yalta Conference , the Soviet Union entered World War II's Pacific Theater. This offensive should not be confused with the Soviet-Japanese Border Wars, (particularly the Battle of Khalkhin Gol/Nomonhan Incident of May--September 1939), that ended in Japan's defeat in 1939, and led to the Soviet--Japanese Neutrality Pact. The Soviet--Japanese Border Wars were a series of border conflicts between the Soviet Union and Japan between 1938 and 1939. After the occupation of Manchukuo and Korea, Japan turned its military interests to Soviet territories. Conflicts between the Japanese and the Soviets frequently happened on the border of Manchuria. The Soviet-Japanese Border Wars served as a prelude to the upcoming World War II conflict in the same sense as the Spanish Civil War (and a number of other conflicts) did, as it essentially pitted the subsequent Allies and Axis Powers against each other. As a result of the Japanese defeat at Khalkhin Gol, Japan and the Soviet Union signed on April 13, 1941 a Neutrality Pact, similar to the German--Soviet non-aggression pact. Later in 1941, Japan would consider breaking the pact when the German Third Reich invaded the Soviet Union (Operation Barbarossa) at the start of the Great Patriotic War, but they made the crucial decision to keep <b>...</b> Длительность: 3:25
Скриншоты к видео Disregarding Lost Of 25 Million Soviet Lives In WWII Increasingly Assertive Japan Attacks Russia
The Polar Dog, or more commonly know as Husky is a general term for several breeds of dogs used as sled dogs. Huskies were originally used as sled dogs in northern regions but are now also kept as pets. The word "husky" is a corruption of the derogative term "Eskie", also given to the Esquimaux tribes that came into contact with Europeans who made early expeditions into their lands. The most common huskies are the Siberian Husky and the Alaskan Husky. Huskies are known for commonly having different colored eyes, known as heterochromia. Huskies have thick fur to protect them from the harsh, cold weather, but it protects them also against heat. Siberian Husky Alaskan Malamute Greenland Husky Mackenzie River Husky Sakhalin Husky Tamaskan Dog Akita Inu Длительность: 1:07
Meeting with the Government Cabinet.Part 2 December 10, 2007 The Kremlin, Moscow Совещание с членами Правительства. 10 декабря 2007 года Москва, Кремль First Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Ivanov on the upcoming opening of a new microchip production line at the Micron Enterprise in Zelenograd SERGEI IVANOV: A new production line manufacturing microchips with a topological level of 0.18 microns will open on Wednesday at the Micron Enterprise in Zelenograd. This is a state-of-the-art enterprise that has world-standard technology. The new production line will produce 18000 microchips a year. This will give us with the supply of microchips we need, especially for our passport and visa services. The microchips will be used in passports and in a number of advanced technology sectors in industry. This new production line marks a significant advance for Russia in making microchips of this standard. This is important for the entire microelectronics sector and I will therefore also hold a meeting in Zelenograd on developing microelectronics in the civilian sector of the economy. All of the new production lines output will be going precisely to the civilian sector. VLADIMIR PUTIN: Will there be any benefit for the defence sector too? SERGEI IVANOV: Yes, but we established this production line together with our French partners and the plan is for all of the output to be used in the civilian sector. VLADIMIR PUTIN: When I went out there not so long ago our companies had quite ambitious <b>...</b> Длительность: 5:39
Скриншоты к видео В.Путин.Совещание с членами Правительства.10.12.07.Part 2