Hello! My name is Mapi Kuma. My father is from Hokkaido. My mother is from Sakhalin Island. I was born in Tokyo, Japan. When I was still little, I became so frail that my body was deteriorating. My mother performed three massive operations. They were all successful. Mapi Kuma was reborn stronger. I gained a special ability to travel around the world in a flash, with anyone, including my two best friends, Merry and Piko. We are very curious, adventurous and mischievous. Our mission is to make the world the happiest and most peaceful place! www.mapikuma.com Длительность: 1:28
At least four people have died in freezing waters after an oil rig platform overturned and capsized in Russia's far eastern Okhotsk sea, the regional emergency ministry said. Sixty-seven people were on the Kolskaya oil rig platform when the accident occurred on Sunday as the platform was being towed from the eastern Kamchatka peninsula towards the island of Sakhalin. Al Jazeera's Neave Barker reports from Moscow. Длительность: 1:52
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