== BoozWheez - Updates the World == Please subscribe for regular updates ..... A deep-operating vehicle installs a memorial plaque on the Kolsyaya oil rig, which sunk in the Sea of Okhotsk last December, killing 53 workers. A Triton deep operating vehicle has installed a memorial plaque on the Kolskaya oil drilling platform, in memory of crew members who died when the platform sunk last December in the Sea of Okhotsk. Relatives of the victims attended a memorial ceremony while the operation was being conducted. The apparatus also took detailed video footage and photographs of the platform and surrounding seabed. The accident occurred on 18 December 2011 during a storm, around 200 kilometers from Sakhalin Island. The Kolskaya rig was being towed to Sakhalin Island after finishing its drilling mission. There were a total of 67 people on board of whom only 14 survived. Длительность: 2:17
Скриншоты к видео Kolskaya - Memorial plaque placed on sunken Russian oil rig
The trilogy of industry Composer-Anton Lubchenko Soloist- Vladimir Tkachenko (viola) The academic symphonic orchestra of the St.-Petersburg philharmonic socie Work always inspired poets and artists. In a Soviet period buildings were glorified. The composer Anton Lubchenko from St.-Petersburg has just finished the new symphony, which is called «The trilogy of inudstry». The muse has visited him on the Shtokman field, on building of the railway bridge through the river Juribej, and on development field of gas resources of Sakhalin. Natalia Bandurina has heard a fragment of new product of one of the first. The author of the trilogy of industry Anton Lubchenko makes an appointment not on factory suburb.Weve met in downtown on the area of Arts. Explains, after all here all is impregnated by it- Art. Walls helped with a symphony writing, but at first there was an inspiration, it has condescended far outside of Petersburg. The composer and conductor Anton Lubchenko says: I have looked, as people live in -50C. I was there one day, differently Ive simply frozen. I received an offer to look there, so I have not refused. This product not about a geographical place, but about heroes of our time Inhuman conditions and will to win over difficulties which have joined workers on building of the railway bridge through the river Juribej before him no one had ever extolled, but he dared. Such actions have resulted in angry bloggers. The symphony Shtokman at listening it can be similar on <b>...</b> Длительность: 2:49