Dj Alex Chernov (Saint-Petersburg) «Музыка воодушевляет весь мир, снабжает душу крыльями,способствует полету воображения; музыка придает жизнь и веселье всему существующему... Ее можно назвать воплощением всего прекрасного и всего возвышенного...» Талантливый и обаятельный DJ с берегов Невы. Жизнь и работа в Санкт-Петербурге добавила ему в меру амбиций, что делает его еще более яркой фигурой клубной жизни Северной столицы. Радует публику тщательно сведенными и старательно подобранными пластинками,а также своей харизмой. Фоторепортаж 1 день: Фоторепортаж 2 день: В видео использованы следующие материалы: Sander Van Doorn - Koko Official Miami 2011 Aftermovie Длительность: 2:40
Large areas of Japan's northern Pacific coast have been swamped by a devastating tsunami, engulfing entire towns following a major 8.9 offshore quake. The meteorological agency issued its top-level evacuation alerts for the entire Japanese coast, warning of a tsunami of between six and 10 metres. Towns and farms around Sendai city in northern Japan are being engulfed by a tsunami, and a four-metre wave has swamped parts of Kamaishi on the Pacific coast. Residents have been ordered to rush to high ground and stay away from the coast as tsunamis can strike in several waves. Japanese television has shown pictures of a wall of water kilometres wide moving its way across the countryside, engulfing everything in its path. More waves were seen approaching the coast. The Cosmo oil refinery in Chiba prefecture outside Tokyo has exploded, sending flames dozens of metres into the air, with firefighters unable to contain the inferno. Are you in Japan? Send us your photos. You can also post photos on our Facebook wall or contact us on Twitter. "An earthquake of this size has the potential to generate a destructive tsunami that can strike coastlines near the epicentre within minutes and more distant coastlines within hours," the agency said. It also put Russia, the territories of Guam, Taiwan, the Philippines, the Marshall Islands, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Nauru, Micronesia and Hawaii under a lower tsunami watch. Russia has evacuated 11000 people from areas that could be affected <b>...</b> Длительность: 1:42
Скриншоты к видео Hundreds Killed in Tsunami After 8.9 Japan Quake _ 12.03.2011 Update