ToyToy ( Motoi Ogawa) & Micabox (Toshimi Mikami)'s live, "Creative Native" in Sapporo (at a Mexican restaurant) on June 26th 2010 . ToyToy plays Tonkori (Traditional instrument of Sakhalin Ainu) & Micabox plays Shino-fue(Japanese traditional bamboo flute). Длительность: 3:55
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Presidents Live Television and Radio Dialogue with the Nation.Part 3 September 27,2005 The Kremlin,Moscow Прямая линия с Президентом России 27 сентября 2005 года Южно-Сахалинск,Томск,Воркута,Ижевск,Саратов,Грозный,Рига, Геленджик, Волгоград,с.Головчино(Белгородская область,Москва VLADIMIR PUTIN: Go ahead. QUESTION: Good evening, Vladimir Vladimirovich. VLADIMIR PUTIN: Hello. QUESTION: My name is Denis. Im a second-year student at the Sakhalin State University. Im actually from Yuzhno-Kurilsk but Im studying here. Im not the only one here a lot of others from my home islands are also here and we have a common question. We are all students but we will soon finish our studies and will begin our future lives, hopefully bringing benefit to the Kuril Islands. Our question is, how will our islands develop and will we be able to have decent lives, decent professional lives there? And how will the Japanese problem be resolved? VLADIMIR PUTIN: What problem? QUESTION: The issue of handing the islands, the Southern Kuril Islands, back to Japan. VLADIMIR PUTIN: First of all, regarding the Far Easts development, we have a targeted federal programme for developing the Far East and there are no plans to end it. As you know, at my instruction and the Prime Ministers instruction, a group of government ministers recently visited the Far East and drew up the outlines for developing the region and set the priority areas for federal funding allocated to the region. All of these programmes will <b>...</b> Длительность: 9:57
Скриншоты к видео В.Путин.Прямая линия.27.09.05.Part 3