6.1 Quake hits Kuril Islands North of Japan A strong earthquake has hit the Kuril Islands that sit on the border between Russia and Japan in the Pacific Ocean. According to the Russian seismological observatory, the 6.1 magnitude quake struck at about 10:20 pm local time, with an epicenter some 270-kilometers east of the islands. No tsunami warnings have been issued, and there are no immediate reports of casualties. The islands which are home to around 19-thousand people lie just north of Japan's Hokkaido Island, and south of Russia's Sakhalin Island, and has been the source of a territorial dispute between the two countries. Длительность: 1:23
Скриншоты к видео M 6.1 EARTHQUAKE - KURIL ISLANDS 07/20/12
Ну что тебе сказать про Сахалин? На острове нормальная погода. Прибой мою тельняшку просолил И я живу у самого восхода. А почта с пересадками летит с материка До самой дальней гавани Союза, Где я бросаю камушки с крутого бережка Далекого пролива Лаперуза. Над Сахалином низко облака, И я живу над сопкой спозаранку, Показываю солнце рыбакам И шлю его тебе на Якиманку. Припев. В краю, где спорят волны и ветра, Живут немногословные мужчины, И острова, как будто сейнера, В Россию возвращаются с путины. Припев. Ну что тебе сказать про Сахалин? На острове нормальная погода. Прибой мою тельняшку просолил И я живу у самого восхода. Длительность: 3:34
www.france24.com Last modification: 12/03/2010 - France - India - Vladimir Putin Putin to sign 10 billion dollar arms deals on Indian visit Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin arrived in India Friday where he is set to sign more than a dozen arms deals worth around 10 billion dollars. Russia supplies 70 percent of India's military hardware. REUTERS - Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin arrived in India Friday where he is slated to sign a series of multibillion-dollar arms deals with Moscow's old Cold War ally. According to Russian officials, Putin will sign more than a dozen pacts Friday worth around 10 billion dollars, including an accord to resolve the troubled sale of a refitted Soviet-era aircraft carrier, the Admiral Gorshkov. Other deals include a contract to sell India 29 MiG fighter jets and an agreement to install additional nuclear power units in the southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu. The sale of the Admiral Gorshkov has been marred by a series of price disputes and delayed deliveries, fuelling concerns in Moscow that India could be tempted to end its dependence on Russian military equipment. Putin's foreign policy aide Yury Ushakov said the new accord would "suit both sides" and help put the dispute behind them. "We have an enormous interest in India," he told reporters ahead of Putin's arrival in New Delhi late Thursday. Russia supplies 70 percent of India's military hardware but in recent years New Delhi has looked to other military suppliers including <b>...</b> Длительность: 1:46
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