Резиденты -- основа музыкального наполнения любого клуба и главный его козырь. Это те ди-джеи, что могут играть в любое время ночи, разогреть или принять эстафету у любого гостя, или подменить внезапно уехавшего гастролировать коллегу. Бойцы музыкального фронта, которые всегда держат удар, те, кому достаточно просто сказать «действуй» в середине ночи для того, чтобы порвать танцпол -- именно такие люди являются резидентами ночного клуба «JOY» geometria.ru Фоторепортаж: 1 день - geometria.ru 2 день - geometria.ru В видео использованы следующие материалы: Bob Sinclar feat. Sophie Ellis Bextor - Fuck With You (Fuzzy Hair Remix) Длительность: 4:12
6.1 Quake hits Kuril Islands North of Japan A strong earthquake has hit the Kuril Islands that sit on the border between Russia and Japan in the Pacific Ocean. According to the Russian seismological observatory, the 6.1 magnitude quake struck at about 10:20 pm local time, with an epicenter some 270-kilometers east of the islands. No tsunami warnings have been issued, and there are no immediate reports of casualties. The islands which are home to around 19-thousand people lie just north of Japan's Hokkaido Island, and south of Russia's Sakhalin Island, and has been the source of a territorial dispute between the two countries. Длительность: 1:23
Скриншоты к видео M 6.1 EARTHQUAKE - KURIL ISLANDS 07/20/12
Cold Fear is a third-person survival horror video game designed by Darkworks and published by Ubisoft. It was released on April 29, 2005, in Europe. In Cold Fear the player takes on the role of Tom Hansen, a former soldier now in the employ of the United States Coast Guard who has been sent in to investigate a mysterious Russian whaler Eastern Spirit in the middle of the Bering strait. The beginning cut-scenes show a SEAL team under the orders of a CIA agent, identifying the ship and trying to discover its cargo. Unfortunately, the SEAL squad is slaughtered mercilessly by an unknown threat. CIA agent Bennett then orders any government vessel in the vicinity of the Russian boat to investigate, and it is Hansen's ship which responds. As Hansen, the player finds out that the boat is occupied by hostile Russian soldiers and by strange creatures, known as "exocels", that use humans and other life forms as hosts, to feed on and to use as protection from the environment. These parasites are a threat to Hansen from inside and outside their host bodies. His investigation leads to the mystery of the ship and its lethal cargo, as well as the unethical experiments which were being carried out aboard the ship. Длительность: 9:30
Скриншоты к видео Cold Fear - The Star of Sakhalin Mission 2 Part 3 + Mission 3 Part 1
L'incredibile viaggio lungo la mitica Transiberiana effettuato da tre motociclisti. Attraversano foreste, la tundra desolata, fino alle isole Sakhalin, al largo della costa giapponese. Dopo 20.000 km di viaggio, raggiungono Hiroshima, portando con s Длительность: 5:21
Скриншоты к видео Transiberiana Venezia - Hiroshima