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Показаны сообщения с ярлыком Продажа домов на сахалине. Показать все сообщения
Показаны сообщения с ярлыком Продажа домов на сахалине. Показать все сообщения
понедельник, 2 апреля 2012 г.

Russian ice fishermen rescued from Sakhalin ice floe

Russian ice fishermen rescued from Sakhalin ice floeDownload here: newsdirect.nma.com.tw Russian authorities rescued 675 ice fishermen after they became stranded on an ice floe. The ice floe broke off from the island of Sakhalin and drifted around 500m from shore. The rescue operation took several hours and involved around 50 staff, two helicopters and a dozen boats. The fishermen ventured out onto the ice despite warnings and strong winds blowing from the floor. Sources: BBC, RT.com
Длительность: 0:29

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Russian ice fishermen rescued from Sakhalin ice floe
Видео Russian ice fishermen rescued from Sakhalin ice floe Video Russian ice fishermen rescued from Sakhalin ice floe Russian ice fishermen rescued from Sakhalin ice floe
среда, 11 января 2012 г.

Unidentifiable Items Easy and Very Hard

Unidentifiable Items Easy and Very Hardwww.huntingrelics.com 215 651 8329 We deliver and sell nursery stock to Eastern US States. Unknown creature was found by soldiers | English Russiaenglishrussia.com You +1'd this publicly. Undo Aug 28, 2006 -- 535 Responses to "Unknown creature was found by soldiers". Fark says: August 28, 2006 at 4:49 am. EVERYBODY PANIC!!!!!!!! Reply ... World's deepest sea vents reveal unknown creatures | Sci-tech ...www.dawn.com/.../world's-deepest-sea-vents-reveal-unknow... - Pakistan You +1'd this publicly. Undo 1 hour ago -- World's deepest sea vents reveal unknown creatures. AFP · (1 hour ago) Today. This handout picture received from the National Oceanography ... Get more results from the past 24 hours Unknown Creature Found By Russian Soldiers - Mythical Creatures Guidewww.mythicalcreaturesguide.com/.../Unknown+Creature+Found+By...Cached - Similar You +1'd this publicly. Undo 4 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Nov 23, 2011 Remains of an unknown creature was found by Russian soldiers along Sakhalin shoreline. Sakhalin is the eastern part of Russia almost 5000 ... Get more discussion results Sensory Perception of "Unknown Creatures"faculty.washington.edu/chudler/stuwork/earthw.htmlCached - Similar You +1'd this publicly. Undo The Senses of "Unknown Creatures". Background. Animals get information about their environment through their "SENSES". We have 5 major senses: touch, ... Unknown creature found in Panama - Unexplained Mysterieswww.unexplained-mysteries.com › News <b>...</b>
Длительность: 3:24

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Unidentifiable Items Easy and Very Hard
Видео Unidentifiable Items Easy and Very Hard Video Unidentifiable Items Easy and Very Hard Unidentifiable Items Easy and Very Hard
воскресенье, 11 сентября 2011 г.

Pre-lit Tree Sakhalin, Russia, 2009

Pre-lit Tree Sakhalin, Russia, 2009Производство елок, световая елка, производство елей, новы год, Рождество, новогодние оформление, каркасная елка, новогодняя ёлка, световая иллюминация, оформление улиц и городов, www.euroelka.com
Длительность: 0:57

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Pre-lit Tree Sakhalin, Russia, 2009
Видео Pre-lit Tree Sakhalin, Russia, 2009 Video Pre-lit Tree Sakhalin, Russia, 2009 Pre-lit Tree Sakhalin, Russia, 2009
вторник, 14 июня 2011 г.

Барыга героина

Барыга героинаnotdrug.ru РБОО "Сахалин без наркотиков" Организация по борьбе с незаконным оборотом наркотиков
Длительность: 8:50

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Барыга героина
Видео Барыга героина Video Барыга героина Барыга героина
понедельник, 24 января 2011 г.

Laden BBC Pacific voor het kofferdamproject in Rusland

Laden BBC Pacific voor het kofferdamproject in RuslandLaden BBC Pacific voor Rusland in de Amerikahaven . daar werden oa twee kranen van voorbij aan boord gehesen voor het kofferdamproject in Rusland Arkutun-Dagi voor Sachalin I. Sachalin I is een consortium voor de winning, opslag en distributie van olie en gas, beheerd door Exxon Neftegas Limited (ENL). Sachalin I bestaat uit de olie- en gasvelden, namelijk Oduptu, Arkutun-Dagi en Chayvo. Voor de Chayvo landfall heeft Voorbij Funderingstechniek in 2005 ook al een kofferdam geinstalleerd. De gewonnen olie en gas zal geexporteerd worden naar Oost-Europese markten.
Длительность: 3:36

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Laden BBC Pacific voor het kofferdamproject in Rusland
Видео Laden BBC Pacific voor het kofferdamproject in Rusland Video Laden BBC Pacific voor het kofferdamproject in Rusland Laden BBC Pacific voor het kofferdamproject in Rusland
четверг, 8 июля 2010 г.

Sakhalin-2 Project_Energy TV Programme_1.wmv

Sakhalin-2 Project_Energy TV Programme_1.wmvThis issue of the Sakhalin Energy corporate TV programme features Western Gray Whales monitoring and Korsakov Sustainable Development Partnership Council.
Длительность: 5:09

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Sakhalin-2 Project_Energy TV Programme_1.wmv
Видео Sakhalin-2 Project_Energy TV Programme_1.wmv Video Sakhalin-2 Project_Energy TV Programme_1.wmv Sakhalin-2 Project_Energy TV Programme_1.wmv
вторник, 20 апреля 2010 г.

Sakhalin-2_My Victory project_story_40

Sakhalin-2_My Victory project_story_40'My Victory' project features stories told by the Great Patriotic War veterans. Watch these memories on how the Great Victory was achieved.
Длительность: 2:16

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Sakhalin-2_My Victory project_story_40
Видео Sakhalin-2_My Victory project_story_40 Video Sakhalin-2_My Victory project_story_40 Sakhalin-2_My Victory project_story_40
понедельник, 15 февраля 2010 г.

Sakhalin-2 Project_Trans-Sakhalin Onshore Pipeline System.mpg

Sakhalin-2 Project_Trans-Sakhalin Onshore Pipeline System.mpgVideo features construction of the onshore pipeline system for the Sakhalin-2 Project, Sakhalin Island: river crossings, seismic faults crossings, block valve stations, erosion control and reinstatement.
Длительность: 2:25

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Sakhalin-2 Project_Trans-Sakhalin Onshore Pipeline System.mpg
Видео Sakhalin-2 Project_Trans-Sakhalin Onshore Pipeline System.mpg Video Sakhalin-2 Project_Trans-Sakhalin Onshore Pipeline System.mpg Sakhalin-2 Project_Trans-Sakhalin Onshore Pipeline System.mpg
среда, 15 ноября 2006 г.

Sakhalin-ICP Friendship Video

Sakhalin-ICP Friendship VideoA video in support of the International Communist Party.
Длительность: 1:32

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Sakhalin-ICP Friendship Video
Видео Sakhalin-ICP Friendship Video Video Sakhalin-ICP Friendship Video Sakhalin-ICP Friendship Video


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