No subtitles are available. This film was prohibited to show at theaters due to diplomatic pressure. This story is a tribute to telegram office women in Karafuto, Sakhalin, who died due to attack by Soviet Union after the end of world war 2. End of the ww2 of Japan was on August 15, 1945. While Soviet attack was made on August 20 th 1945. Russia still occupies Japanese Northern Islands illegally, even though Sakhalin and all of Chishima, the Kuril Islands, belong to Japan. I heard that some Russian positivist professors have started to teach the truth to students though. Длительность: 9:02
Paul Vinitsky singing live 'Believe In Us' from the album 'Invincible'. 22 october 2011 - 'Invincible Tour' live in Y. Sakhalinsk, Russia. Check for order your CD or digital copy, listen previews and read info! ALBUM VERSION: Buy on iTunes: Buy on EXTENDED VERSION: Buy on Beatport: Buy on iTunes: More stores on: Like Paul on Facebook: Длительность: 4:02
Скриншоты к видео Paul Vinitsky - Singing Live 'Believe In Us' @ 'Invincible Tour' on Sakhalin, RU (22-10-2011)
Производство елок, световая елка, производство елей, новы год, Рождество, новогодние оформление, каркасная елка, новогодняя ёлка, световая иллюминация, оформление улиц и городов, Длительность: 0:57
Скриншоты к видео Pre-lit Tree Sakhalin, Russia, 2009