No subtitles are available. This film was prohibited to show at theaters due to diplomatic pressure. This story is a tribute to telegram office women in Karafuto, Sakhalin, who died due to attack by Soviet Union after the end of world war 2. End of the ww2 of Japan was on August 15, 1945. While Soviet attack was made on August 20 th 1945. Russia still occupies Japanese Northern Islands illegally, even though Sakhalin and all of Chishima, the Kuril Islands, belong to Japan. I heard that some Russian positivist professors have started to teach the truth to students though. Длительность: 8:52
Wow - this was from WAAAYYYY back when...before I crossed Scandinavia by train/ship, before I saw Moscow and all the mysteries of Russia, before I crossed Siberia on the Trans-Siberian, before I almost died of seasickness on the ferry to Sakhalin, before I took the ferry from Sakhalin to Japan, and before I camped/hitch-hiked halfway across Hokkaido. other words, it's from about 2 1/2 weeks ago. Enjoy! Длительность: 4:59
From searing heat in Qatar to the freezing waters of Sakhalin Island, our people often work in extreme conditions - and with great passion- to help provide the world with energy. Длительность: 1:00
Speech and Answers to Questions at Rice University.Part 4 November 14, 2001 Houston Выступление и ответы на вопросы в Университете Райса 14 ноября 2001 года Хьюстон That the main direction of our efforts is the correct one is witnessed, among other things, by the positive start to the Russian-American business dialogue. Already interest groups are being formed here. Boeing has come up with an initiative for the aerospace sector. A round table of Russian and American hi-tech companies is in the process of approval. On the Russian side it is headed by Academician Velikhov, a scientist of world stature. And there are other instances of which you in Texas know, I am sure. This year, ladies and gentlemen, the flow of foreign investments into Russia increased by 40%. It is still not much in absolute terms, but it is a significant growth in percentage terms. Unfortunately the US is behind Cyprus, Holland and Germany in terms of direct foreign investments. But while the flow of capital from the first two countries is simply repatriation of our own Russian capital, the strengthening of Germanys positions indicates that Europe is interested in investing in Russian industry. We hope that America will be able to take up that challenge. Russia already has many stable areas of the economy which today contribute towards overall security. I am referring above all to our energy resources. Russia remains a reliable and predictable partner, a supplier of oil and other energy sources. There <b>...</b> Длительность: 8:42
Скриншоты к видео В.Путин.Выступление и ответы.14.11.01.Part 4