This is a sonification of the Tonga Islands 5.8M earthquake (2/4/2012 07:40:13 GMT). It was made from a seismogram recorded by the global seismic station YSS in SAKHALIN, RUSSIA. Find more at Длительность: 0:05
Скриншоты к видео YSS Soundquake: 2/4/2012 07:40:13 GMT
Корабль - плавучий завод "Всеволод Сибирцев" на ловле крабов в Охотском море, переработка крабов на корабле. Киножурнал Новости дня / хроника наших дней 1954 №40 Newsreel Daily News / A Chronicle of the day 1954 №40 Длительность: 1:10
Скриншоты к видео Ловля крабов в Охотском море. 1954 год
artist-song: Kenneth Thomas And Chad Cisneros -Breakthrough (Oliver Smith Remix)______ Sukhoi Su-15 FLAGON ___(Rare Videos) 2. Sukhoi Su-15 (NATO reporting name 'Flagon') was a twin-engine interceptor aircraft developed by the Soviet Union in the 1960s to replace the Sukhoi Su-11. As one of the V-PVO's principal interceptors, the Su-15 was involved in a number of incidents with foreign aircraft. One such attack was in 1978, when Korean Air Flight 902 was attacked over Murmansk by a PVO Su-15. Although the civilian aircraft survived the missile hit, two passengers were killed, and the damaged plane subsequently made a forced landing on a frozen lake. In 1981 a Baku, Azerbaijan-based Su-15 deliberately rammed an Iranian Canadair CL-44 after it strayed into Soviet airspace.[1] More notorious was the Korean Air Flight 007 incident in 1983, when a Korean Boeing 747 was shot down by a Su-15TM based on Sakhalin, killing all 246 passengers and 23 crew [1]. Although it was produced in large numbers (1290 of all types), the Su-15, like other highly sensitive Soviet aircraft, was never exported to the Warsaw Pact or any other country. Some Su-15 were deployed in Egypt in 1972 but were used with Soviet crews. In Russia, the Su-15 was abruptly retired in 1993 to comply with the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe. Most were hastily scrapped in favour of more advanced interceptors, including the Su-27 'Flanker' and MiG-31 'Foxhound.' In Ukraine, the last Su-15s (at Kramatorsk <b>...</b> Длительность: 6:43
Скриншоты к видео Sukhoi Su-15 FLAGON ___(Rare Videos 2)
'My Victory' project features stories told by the Great Patriotic War veterans. Watch these memories on how the Great Victory was achieved. Длительность: 2:15
Скриншоты к видео Sakhalin-2_My Victory project_story_23.wmv
L'incredibile viaggio lungo la mitica Transiberiana effettuato da tre motociclisti. Attraversano foreste, la tundra desolata, fino alle isole Sakhalin, al largo della costa giapponese. Dopo 20.000 km di viaggio, raggiungono Hiroshima, portando con s Длительность: 5:21
Скриншоты к видео Transiberiana Venezia - Hiroshima
Joint project between TTK and NTT Communication (Japan) on the Sakhalin-Hokkaido Underwater Cable System installation. Task: to make a video presenting the HSCS project uniting Japan and Russia. Длительность: 3:32
Скриншоты к видео Art presentation for TTK Company