At least four people have died in freezing waters after an oil rig platform overturned and capsized in Russia's far eastern Okhotsk sea, the regional emergency ministry said. Sixty-seven people were on the Kolskaya oil rig platform when the accident occurred on Sunday as the platform was being towed from the eastern Kamchatka peninsula towards the island of Sakhalin. Al Jazeera's Neave Barker reports from Moscow. Длительность: 1:52
Скриншоты к видео Deaths after Russian oil rig capsizes
"Здесь был Карафуто". Фильм об окончании ВОВ на Сахалине и Курилах. Крепость Хонда, остров, участники боев за освобождение Сахалина, поисковики... Длительность: 19:03
The Royal Dutch Shell and Gazprom have formed a strategic alliance little more than three years after a dispute in which the multinational was forced to cede control of the giant Sakhalin II oil and gas project to the Russian company. Saudi Arabia, the world's largest oil exporter, and neighbor Kuwait seek to add natural gas supply to avoid burning crude and refined products to generate power. Длительность: 1:34
Скриншоты к видео Shell and Gazprom in oil and gas alliance