Эфир 17.10.2012. Российский Дальний Восток - один из самых привлекательных и вместе с тем малознакомых регионов нашей страны. Камчатка, Сахалин, Владивосток, Хабаровск, Биробиджан - это не только перечисление географии съемок фильма, это перечисление эпох, сменяющих друг друга и оставляющих всякий раз свой след в истории региона. Основа фильма - череда уникальных портретов дальневосточников, наших современников. У каждого из них свой Дальний Восток: у кого-то - столетний японский маяк, у кого-то - старые улочки Владивостока, у кого-то - не покидающие их воспоминания о своих предках, оказавшихся на Дальнем Востоке волею судеб, а у кого-то - возрождаемый им храм в маленьком селе на далеком полуострове Камчатка. Каждый из них ощущает беспокойство о судьбе своей малой родины, переживающей не лучший момент в истории. Вместе с тем каждый из них живет с ощущением возможности новой жизни своего края, что выражается в словах одного из героев фильма: "Говорят, что Россия возродится с Востока. Я в это верю". Длительность: 46:11
Скриншоты к видео Близкий Дальний. Предчувствие судьбы. Серия 2
This is a sonification of the Taiwan Region 6.0WP earthquake (1/6/2012 09:21:00 GMT). It was made from a seismogram recorded by the global seismic station YSS in SAKHALIN, RUSSIA. Find more at www.flyrok.org. Длительность: 0:03
Скриншоты к видео YSS Soundquake: 1/6/2012 09:21:00 GMT
The Kuril Islands are a chain of islands stretching across the Pacific Ocean from Northern Japan, north of the Japanese island of Hokkaido to the Russian peninsula of Kamchatka. The majority of the islands were considered part of Japan throughout much of prerecorded history. In the 17th century Russia advanced eastward and expressed interest in the island chain. In 1855 the "Treaty of Commerce, Navigation and Delimitation / Shimoda Treaty" was signed between Japan and Russia acknowledging the four southernmost islands of the chain belonging to Japan. Subsequently in 1875 another treaty was signed between the two nations: Japan (Nihon-koku) and Russia (the once "Evil Empire" / Soviet Union). It was the "Treaty of Saint Petersburg / Karafuto-Chishima Kokan Joyaku." This treaty acknowledged Japanese dominance over the whole chain of islands from Hokkaido, Japan to Kamchatka, Russia. In return Japan acknowledged Russian dominance over the island of Sakhalin. This treaty remained until August, 1945. In the closing days of World War Two the Soviet Union (Russia, The Union of the Soviet Socialist Republics -- USSR "the Evil Empire") decided to honor comments made to their allies and entered the War in the Pacific against Japan. The commies invaded the Japanese in Manchuria. Then after the cessation of hostilities the commies occupied and stole the Kuril Islands, specifically the four large islands of the chain just north of Hokkaido, Japan. There were 17000 Japanese inhabiting <b>...</b> Длительность: 4:46
Скриншоты к видео Kuril Islands stolen from Japan by the Russians
May 22, 2010 - First op, Part 1 of 6 from airsoft event at Marina, CA; presented by Roundhouse Productions. US Army (ACU BDU's) and Georgian Army (Our group and other Woodland BDU's) Vs. Ossetian Seperatists (Desert BDU top with blue jeans or Solid Tan BDU top with blue jeans) and Sakhalin Energy Consultants (Multicam BDU's) Длительность: 10:01
Скриншоты к видео Dogs Of War @ Operation Caspian Gold, Pt. 1 of 6 (First Op)
May 2006 The island of Sakhalin, home to Russia's first ever liquid gas plant, has become the world's newest energy frontier. But residents claim their own needs are being ignored. When completed, the Sakhalin Energy plant will be one of the biggest integrated oil and gas projects in the world. But locals expect to see none of the benefits. "All the money will go to foreigners and to Moscow. We'll only lose out", complains one resident. They were initially promised 40% of the profits but now this money will go directly to Moscow. People have had to abandon their homes without compensation and there are claims the pipelines have already polluted the environment. Residents won't even have access to the gas produced. As one local complains: "Our needs aren't being considered." Produced by ABC Australia Distributed by Journeyman Pictures Длительность: 15:32
Скриншоты к видео Russia - The New Energy Frontier