Видеоклип -песня о самом красивом и самом южном острове Курильской гряды - острове Кунашир. Музыку написал и исполнил Ярослав Скляренко. Длительность: 5:33
Скриншоты к видео Остров КУНАШИР. Автор клипа Татьяна Олейник_mpeg4_001.mp4
The ABC book was written more than ten years ago by an international group of authors headed by Japanese linguist Professor Jiro Ikegami. The book's illustrations were drawn by Zinaida Vasilyevna Turmanova, a department Head of the Sakhalin Regional Art Museum. Длительность: 0:53
Скриншоты к видео Sakhalin-2 Project_Uilta ABC Book_video.wmv
The promo was shot by the frontier guards when they were arresting some poachers near Sakhalin Island (Russia). During the arrest the weapon was used. Длительность: 4:26
Скриншоты к видео Detention trawler Andrei Efremov 2. Part Two.