At the Rio+20 Conference last month, leaders from around the world discussed ways to push "Corporate Social Responsibility" through to businesses and governments. The CEO of Sahklanin Energy spoke at the conference about the importance of sustainable business practices, using his company's treatment of indigenous peoples as a model. He sat down with Prime Time's Lindsay France to share his views on "CSR" Russia. Длительность: 4:37
Скриншоты к видео Sakhalin Energy CEO calls for social responsibility of big biz
In the fall of 1933, NBC writer Wyllis Cooper conceived the idea of "a midnight mystery serial to catch the attention of the listeners at the witching hour." The idea was to offer listeners a dramatic program late at night, at a time when the competition was mostly airing music. At some point, the serial concept was dropped in favor of an anthology format emphasizing crime thrillers and the supernatural. The first series of shows (each 15 minutes long) ran on a local NBC station, WENR, at midnight Wednesdays, starting in January 1934. By April, the series proved successful enough to expand to a half hour. In January 1935, the show was discontinued in order to ease Cooper's workload (he was then writing scripts for the network's prestigious Immortal Dramas program), but was brought back by huge popular demand a few weeks later. After a successful tryout in New York City, the series was picked up by NBC in April 1935 and broadcast nationally, usually late at night and always on Wednesdays. Cooper stayed on the program until June 1936, when another Chicago writer, Arch Oboler, took over. By the time Cooper left, the series had inspired about 600 fan clubs. Tonight's Broadcast "Sakhalin" Original Air Date: March 3, 1937 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Длительность: 30:19 На установке работали представители девяти регионов страны, более половины из них — жители именно Мурманской области. Из 67 человек, находившихся на платформе в момент катастрофы, спаслись только 14, судьба 37 моряков, по-прежнему неизвестна. Обнаружены 16 тел. Погибших доставят туда, где они проживали. Для оказания помощи родственникам жертв и пострадавшим из Москвы на Сахалин отправлена группа психологов. Поисково-спасательнаяоперация еще продолжается, разведку ведут с воды и воздуха, передает НТВ. А на суше следователи пытаются выяснить причину ЧП. Опрошены четверо свидетелей катастрофы. По основной версии, к трагедии привело нарушение правил буксировки судна в плохих погодных условиях. Длительность: 0:46
Скриншоты к видео Den' traura po pogibshim pri zatoplenii burovoi platformy "Kol'skaya"
Фильм рассказывает о проблемах лососевых в реке Тымь. Фильм подготовлен Надеждой Рожковой (12 лет), объединение "Лососевый патруль" Сахалинская область, пгт. Ноглики Длительность: 3:31
One men,Paradox nicnames,wants to know: did him see really UFO OK,I`m sorry,english not my mom language :( More information: this video was shoot on 9 of september 2005 ~ 21:00 by the evening,on island Sachalin in Ochotskoe sea,Terpenie gulf. Camera JVC GR-D30E without support. The nearest airport locate by 400 km. Foto from newspaper: Длительность: 3:53