Japanese lawmaker Seiji Maehara has said the country is considering plans to lay a natural gas pipeline linking to Russia's Far East. Speaking after talks with Gazprom Export chief Alexander Medvedev in Moscow on Thursday, he said: "The pipeline's route has not been elaborated but it would seem logical to build it from the southernmost point of Sakhalin Island to the city of Wakkanai." Gazprom and Japan Far East Gas are long-time partners in developing natural resources in the Russian Far East. Their largest joint project is the Sakhalin 2 liquefied natural gas plant, completed in 2011, which processes gas extracted in the Okhotsk Sea. Last year, the two companies agreed to construct another plant at the onshore Sakhalin territories. Maehara said: "We are currently setting up the infrastructure for the construction of a new plant. This is why we are considering laying a gas pipeline between Russia and Japan." The Great Day of Annihilation www.facebook.com Длительность: 3:46
Скриншоты к видео May 3, 2012 Russia_Japan considers building gas pipeline to Russia
Обращение к Жириновскому В.В. Лидеру партии ЛДПР данная запись подтверждает, что Шадрин Василий порочит партию ЛДПР и не достоин ее.. Просим Жириновского В.В, исключить из членов партии Шадрина В. координатора Сахалинской области. PS Не может обратится публично боимся за себя и близких, Шадрин В. бывший член преступной ОПГ. Длительность: 13:30
Earthquakes jolt Indonesia, Panama, Costa Rica, and Kuril Islands. Early on Thursday, August 4, a magnitude-5.8 quake shook West Sumatra and Bengkulu provinces on Sumatra Island in Indonesia as it struck 166 kilometers northwest of Bengkulu city. Meanwhile in Latin America, a temblor measuring 4.8 on the Richter scale hit the border region of Panama and Costa Rica, 36 kilometers southeast of Golfito, Costa Rica. In the early hours of Friday, a powerful 6.3-magnitude earthquake struck off the Kuril Islands in Russia's Sakhalin Oblast region, centered 230 kilometers southwest of Severo-Kurilsk. Thankfully, there were no immediate reports of damage or casualties for any of these events. While we are relieved to hear of the safety of those in the quake-stricken regions, we pray that such potential instabilities are calmed through humanity's more considerate care of the Earth. Длительность: 1:16
Скриншоты к видео Earthquakes jolt Indonesia, Panama, Costa Rica, and Kuril Islands
14 апреля в Сеуле, Республика Корея, состоялась презентация Сахалинской области. Участникам, в числе которых оказались крупнейшие корейские корпорации, было представлено порядка 15 проектов на общую сумму 4.8 млрд. долларов. Длительность: 2:08
Скриншоты к видео Презентация Сахалинской области в Республике Корея