May 22, 2010 - First op, Part 2 of 6 from airsoft event at Marina, CA; presented by Roundhouse Productions. US Army (ACU BDU's) and Georgian Army (Our group and other Woodland BDU's) Vs. Ossetian Seperatists (Desert BDU top with blue jeans or Solid Tan BDU top with blue jeans) and Sakhalin Energy Consultants (Multicam BDU's) Длительность: 10:01
Скриншоты к видео Dogs Of War @ Operation Caspian Gold, Pt. 2 of 6 (First Op)
Веселая песня от мегапозитивных девченок из Минска - вот где чистая музыка без репетиций, а просто от души...милые девчата-автостопщицы с открытым разумов и доброй философией, готовые приютить абсолютно незнакомого человека, как родного брата. Respect! Длительность: 1:42
Скриншоты к видео Солнечный Сахалин - песня "Весне дорогу"
Meeting with Sakhalin Energy Shareholders.Part 2 December 21, 2006 The Kremlin, Moscow Встреча с акционерами компании «Сахалин Энерджи» 21 декабря 2006 года Москва, Кремль MR PUTIN: Thank you. Mr. Jeroen van der Veer, please. MR VAN DER VEER: Thank you for supporting this truly historic event. We sincerely welcome Gazprom as one of our partners in the project. Since Gazprom will be the majority shareholder, I hope Mr. Miller will answer some questions and resolve any problems that may arise. I believe it is important that we have attained stability, which allows all partners in the project to work jointly to implement the project. In my view, this is a beneficial situation for all sides, including Russia and clients in Japan, Korea and other countries in the eastern region, as well as for investors. I believe that all of us shareholders will find an opportunity to further promote the LNG project after the first phase of the project is completed. Mr President, I am aware of all the concerns over environmental issues. In our work, we apply the highest standards of global practice to the development and production of mineral resources. All of us participants in this process are grateful to the minister [of natural resources] for assisting us in our search for the right ways to solve problems and move past concerns and complaints to practical work. [Addressing Mr Putin] I am grateful to you for your assistance, and I believe that the fact that we will continue to discuss <b>...</b> Длительность: 9:07
Скриншоты к видео V.Putin.Встреча с акционерами компании.21.12.06.Part 2