Целую неделю Сити Молл радовал своих самых маленьких посетителей. Интересные конкурсы, веселые аниматоры, танцы и сладкие подарки. На радость малышам. Фоторепортаж: geometria.ru В видео использовались следующие композиции: Shakira - Waka Waka (Time for Africa) Длительность: 3:43
This is a sonification of the Near East Coast Of Honshu, Japan 6.0WP earthquake (4/13/2012 10:10:02 GMT). It was made from a seismogram recorded by the global seismic station YSS in SAKHALIN, RUSSIA. Find more at www.flyrok.org. Длительность: 0:02
Скриншоты к видео YSS Soundquake: 4/13/2012 10:10:02 GMT
This is a sonification of the Near Coast Of Guatemala 6.2MW earthquake (1/19/2012 03:47:44 GMT). It was made from a seismogram recorded by the global seismic station YSS in SAKHALIN, RUSSIA. Find more at www.flyrok.org. Длительность: 0:09
Скриншоты к видео YSS Soundquake: 1/19/2012 03:47:44 GMT
An icebreaker off the far eastern coast of Russia is battling extreme weather to finally free three ships trapped in ice. The four hundred people aboard have been stranded for a week. RT on Facebook: www.facebook.com RT on Twitter: twitter.com Длительность: 2:47
Скриншоты к видео Prisoners of Ice: Rescue in sight for Russian sailors trapped on ships
May 22, 2010 - First op, Part 2 of 6 from airsoft event at Marina, CA; presented by Roundhouse Productions. US Army (ACU BDU's) and Georgian Army (Our group and other Woodland BDU's) Vs. Ossetian Seperatists (Desert BDU top with blue jeans or Solid Tan BDU top with blue jeans) and Sakhalin Energy Consultants (Multicam BDU's) Длительность: 10:01
Скриншоты к видео Dogs Of War @ Operation Caspian Gold, Pt. 2 of 6 (First Op)
'My Victory' project features stories told by the Great Patriotic War veterans. Watch these memories on how the Great Victory was achieved. Длительность: 2:27
Скриншоты к видео Sakhalin-2_My Victory project_story_58