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вторник, 20 ноября 2012 г.


SakhalinSakhalin throughout most of its history has been a divided island. See how it has been contested over by mainly Japan and Russia.
Длительность: 0:26

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Видео Sakhalin Video Sakhalin Sakhalin
суббота, 17 ноября 2012 г.

SD Gundam G Generation Overworld C4 "Into the Dawn Skies" 3/3

SD Gundam G Generation Overworld C4 "Into the Dawn Skies" 3/3The overImpact condition is simple... I wish I could have done the Dynamic Scene.. Damn Mountains Generation Break 1: Break Trigger: Obtain 7500 (30000 in HELL Mode) or more score points in 5 turns. Challenge Mission: Do the above in 4 turns. Allied Reinforcements: Argama, Judau in G Fortress. Enemy Reinforcements: Meroud, Rakan Dahkaran in Zaku III, Dreissen x15. Secret Reinforcements: Gentle Chapman in John Bull Gundam, Cashing x4. Generation Break 2: Break Trigger: Defeat 10 Dreissens. Challenge Mission: Judau defeats Rakan before 10 Dreissens are destroyed. Allied Reinforcements: Shiro Amada in Gundam Ez-8. Enemy Reinforcements: Ginias Sahalin in Apsalus III, Apsalus II x2, Dom x6, Gouf Flight Type x4. Secret Reinforcements: Lupe Cineau in Brucknerg, Brucknerg x4. Over Impact: Shiro defeats Ginias in 5 turns.
Длительность: 15:43

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SD Gundam G Generation Overworld C4 "Into the Dawn Skies" 3/3
Видео SD Gundam G Generation Overworld C4 "Into the Dawn Skies" 3/3 Video SD Gundam G Generation Overworld C4 "Into the Dawn Skies" 3/3 SD Gundam G Generation Overworld C4 "Into the Dawn Skies" 3/3

SD Gundam G Generation Overworld C4 "Into the Dawn Skies" 2/3

SD Gundam G Generation Overworld C4 "Into the Dawn Skies" 2/3Oh look! The Explosion! What a Boom! Generation Break 1: Break Trigger: Obtain 7500 (30000 in HELL Mode) or more score points in 5 turns. Challenge Mission: Do the above in 4 turns. Allied Reinforcements: Argama, Judau in G Fortress. Enemy Reinforcements: Meroud, Rakan Dahkaran in Zaku III, Dreissen x15. Secret Reinforcements: Gentle Chapman in John Bull Gundam, Cashing x4. Generation Break 2: Break Trigger: Defeat 10 Dreissens. Challenge Mission: Judau defeats Rakan before 10 Dreissens are destroyed. Allied Reinforcements: Shiro Amada in Gundam Ez-8. Enemy Reinforcements: Ginias Sahalin in Apsalus III, Apsalus II x2, Dom x6, Gouf Flight Type x4. Secret Reinforcements: Lupe Cineau in Brucknerg, Brucknerg x4. Over Impact: Shiro defeats Ginias in 5 turns.
Длительность: 13:36

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SD Gundam G Generation Overworld C4 "Into the Dawn Skies" 2/3
Видео SD Gundam G Generation Overworld C4 "Into the Dawn Skies" 2/3 Video SD Gundam G Generation Overworld C4 "Into the Dawn Skies" 2/3 SD Gundam G Generation Overworld C4 "Into the Dawn Skies" 2/3

SD Gundam G Generation Overworld C4 "Into the Dawn Skies" 1/3

SD Gundam G Generation Overworld C4 "Into the Dawn Skies" 1/3The destruction of ORB chapter? I see... also its been a while since I had a get "Amount of Points" to get the Generation break :l Generation Break 1: Break Trigger: Obtain 7500 (30000 in HELL Mode) or more score points in 5 turns. Challenge Mission: Do the above in 4 turns. Allied Reinforcements: Argama, Judau in G Fortress. Enemy Reinforcements: Meroud, Rakan Dahkaran in Zaku III, Dreissen x15. Secret Reinforcements: Gentle Chapman in John Bull Gundam, Cashing x4. Generation Break 2: Break Trigger: Defeat 10 Dreissens. Challenge Mission: Judau defeats Rakan before 10 Dreissens are destroyed. Allied Reinforcements: Shiro Amada in Gundam Ez-8. Enemy Reinforcements: Ginias Sahalin in Apsalus III, Apsalus II x2, Dom x6, Gouf Flight Type x4. Secret Reinforcements: Lupe Cineau in Brucknerg, Brucknerg x4. Over Impact: Shiro defeats Ginias in 5 turns.
Длительность: 16:37

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SD Gundam G Generation Overworld C4 "Into the Dawn Skies" 1/3
Видео SD Gundam G Generation Overworld C4 "Into the Dawn Skies" 1/3 Video SD Gundam G Generation Overworld C4 "Into the Dawn Skies" 1/3 SD Gundam G Generation Overworld C4 "Into the Dawn Skies" 1/3
пятница, 16 ноября 2012 г.


TRANS-SIBERIAN HELI EXPRESS22-26.09.2012. X-country from Istra (Moscow) to Sakhalin isl. R44 Raven II - ferry flight. 8330 km, 101 hrs 16 min from start to finish.
Длительность: 10:24

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прохват на ртутный рудник..

прохват на ртутный рудник..Краснодарский край, Абинский район, п. Новый, окрестности г. Сахалин
Длительность: 17:20

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прохват на ртутный рудник..
Видео прохват на ртутный рудник.. Video прохват на ртутный рудник.. прохват на ртутный рудник..
четверг, 15 ноября 2012 г.

Sakhalin 2009. Railway travel (RZD)

Sakhalin 2009. Railway travel (RZD)Путешествие на Сахалин в 2009 году. Тепловозы ТГ16, ТГМ7 и дизель-поезда Д2. Места съемки: Южно-Сахалинск, Взморье, Томари, Сахалинская область, Россия. 2009. Петришин Михаил / Бекиров Игорь. Воздух Свободы. Список: Д2-008/009, ТГМ7-010, ТГ16-054, ТГ16-053, ТГ16-092, ТГ16-039+ТГ16-057 (2х), Д2-002/004, ТГ16-057, ТГМ7-036, Д2-002/004, ТГ16-072. Sakhalin railway travel. TG16, TGM7 diesel locomotives and D2 DMU trains . Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Vzmorie, Tomari, Sakhalin region. Russia. 2009. Mikhail Petrishin / Igor Bekirov.
Длительность: 36:14

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Sakhalin 2009. Railway travel (RZD)
Видео Sakhalin 2009. Railway travel (RZD) Video Sakhalin 2009. Railway travel (RZD) Sakhalin 2009. Railway travel (RZD)


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