The overImpact condition is simple... I wish I could have done the Dynamic Scene.. Damn Mountains Generation Break 1: Break Trigger: Obtain 7500 (30000 in HELL Mode) or more score points in 5 turns. Challenge Mission: Do the above in 4 turns. Allied Reinforcements: Argama, Judau in G Fortress. Enemy Reinforcements: Meroud, Rakan Dahkaran in Zaku III, Dreissen x15. Secret Reinforcements: Gentle Chapman in John Bull Gundam, Cashing x4. Generation Break 2: Break Trigger: Defeat 10 Dreissens. Challenge Mission: Judau defeats Rakan before 10 Dreissens are destroyed. Allied Reinforcements: Shiro Amada in Gundam Ez-8. Enemy Reinforcements: Ginias Sahalin in Apsalus III, Apsalus II x2, Dom x6, Gouf Flight Type x4. Secret Reinforcements: Lupe Cineau in Brucknerg, Brucknerg x4. Over Impact: Shiro defeats Ginias in 5 turns. Длительность: 15:43
Скриншоты к видео SD Gundam G Generation Overworld C4 "Into the Dawn Skies" 3/3 What do people say about the Adam Smith Conferences' Sakhalin Oil & Gas 2012? Что говорят о конференции «Нефть и Газ Сахалина» 2012 Института Адама Смита? Interview with Длительность: 1:04
Мультсериал "Как вести себя в чрезвычайных ситуациях" (заказчики - компания "Сахалин Энерджи" и МЧС Сахалинской области, исполнитель - студия "Форсайт"). Серия "Цветы Пика Чехова" Длительность: 0:31
Скриншоты к видео Sahakin_Energy_Cveti_CHehova.avi
Ensemble XXI continues its engagement with Russia's indigenous people of the North on a musical expedition led by Violinist and Ensemble XXI Concertmaster, Pia Siirala to the North of the island of Sakhalin in Russia's Far East. Длительность: 9:54
Скриншоты к видео Journey to the indigenous Nivkh people of Sakhalin
Video clips composed by Voka. Two separate artists on one video. Archie - Arkadiy Ostrirov Crossroads - Sakhalin RnR Band Johny Parker - "Karandash" Длительность: 9:23
Скриншоты к видео Sakhalin Days: Archie + Crossroads / Karandash - by Voka