NOT PRODUCED FOR PROFIT. GUNDAM BELONGS TO BANDAI ENTERTAINMENT. War is a place where ideals can quickly become compromised by survival. And frankly, while I love this Gundam series for being as nit-gritty as anything and strongly emphasizing action and strategy, it still holds true to the theme of Gundam with idealism and humanity above all else. In loving tribute to Veterans Day, to those who made it back, those who fell in the line of duty, and those who still fight for a better world. Video: Gundam 08th MS Team. Audio: 'Land of Confusion' by Disturbia. Длительность: 5:00
Экспедиция к острову Шикотан. Цель - дать названия безымянным островам близ этого острова. В результате экспедиции названия получили три острова - Капица, Фархутдинов, Гнечко. Более подробная информация в блоге и в twitter @vprotopopov, а также по тэгу #КурилыНашиОстрова Длительность: 35:53
LINK The series is set in Universal Century year 0079 in the jungles of Southeast Asia. The Earth Federation and the Principality of Zeon are fighting a brutal guerrilla war for control of the area and its resources. Zeon?s best hope for victory in the region rests with an experimental mobile armor and its pilot, Aina Sahalin. Meanwhile the Earth Federal Army, which has been fighting the Zeon in the region, receive reinforcements in the form of Ensign Shiro Amada, newly named commander of the 08th MS Team. Aina and Shiro know each other from a mutual rescue in space, but when Shiro discovers that Aina is in fact the pilot of the Zeon mobile armor he is arrested for treason. The Federation offers Shiro one chance at redemption: He must take the 08th MS Team deep into Zeon held territory to find Zeon?s hidden base. With the Zeon backed into a corner, and the Federation dependent on Shiro and his team for victory, the star crossed lovers must decide where their true allegiances lie: with each other, or with their respective sides. Длительность: 1:14
Скриншоты к видео Mobile Suit Gundam 00 Season 2 Episode1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12.wmv
Первый раз выступаю и совершенно случайно этот первый раз оказался на площади на глазах у огромной толпы!Очень было страшно!!!!!!!!!Но ощущение незабываемое!Подружкину сестру нарядили в стреказу и пошли иполнять! Длительность: 3:08
Скриншоты к видео Белая стрекоза любви 46 параллель )) остров Сахалин