An earthquake occurred late this afternoon off the Russian Far East but poses no threat of a tsunami in Hawaii, the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said. The 7.7-magnitude quake struck at 5 pm Hawaii time about 102 miles east of Poronaysk in Sakhalin Island, the center said. Earlier reports set the magnitude at 7.3. The quake occurred about 350 miles below the surface of the ocean, the center said. It was in the Sea of Okhotsk, west of the Kuril Islands that stretch from Hokkaido, Japan, to Kamchatka, Russia. An 8.3-magnitude quake on the other side of the Kurils in November 2006 generated a tsunami that hit Japan and Hawaii with waves of a few feet high, but caused $10 million in damage to the harbor at Crescent City, Calif. Длительность: 1:00
Скриншоты к видео NIBIRU IS CLOSER - Erthquake of 7.7 magnitude strikes off east Russian coast ANA Hotel Wakkanai offers the largest and most luxurious facilities in Japans northernmost mainland city. Popular amongst visitors to the city and sea-going travelers using the nearby shipping terminals, the hotel offers a variety of opulent, spacious guest rooms with a picturesque view of the water and the distant Sakhalin Island. ANA Hotel Wakkanai also boasts commodious banquet halls, with the main being able to accommodate approximately 400 seated guests. With state-of-the-art facilities, international standard conferences as well as receptions and banquets can be comfortably hosted. Also available are several multipurpose halls suitable for events of smaller scales. Several restaurants featuring both French and Italian fare provide memorable dining experiences whilst the bar and lounge on the top floor pampers with a spectacular, boat-dotted seascape. ANA Hotel Wakkanai is just a 5 minute walk from the JR Wakkanai Station and 20 and 30 minutes from the Wakkanai Airport by car and bus respectively. Booking and cancellation policies vary by rate type. Please check all applicable rules prior to booking to avoid possible charges. Parking Длительность: 0:35
Текст полностью - КАК ГОВОРИТСЯ, ПОПАЛ В ЯБЛОЧКО: 1) МЧС Томской области опять играет с огнём? 2) Новый ритм Солнца и финишная прямая русской революции. 3) Штормовое предупреждение на 27 июля - 15 августа 2012 года. Цепь катастроф. Прискорбно, что именно в этот день и ... час МЧС Томской области проводило в Томске проверку сирен - в 15-00 по местному времени в течение 3 минут 14.08.2012 г. По факту "учебная тревога" началась позже - в 15 часов с минутами, ориентировочно в 15-02. Любопытно, что о возможности чрезвычайных ситуаций МЧС ТО было проинформировано через форум обл.думы Томской обл сайт новостного агентства ТВ-2, и жж Вадима Тюменцева как минимум за двое суток до Охотско-Абаканской встряски 14 августа 2012 года. МЧС назло 500 -тысячному Томску, своей самодеятельностью потенциально поставив под удар население города, решило настоять на своём. Пока никто не погиб. Но с таким принципиальным подходом - "Только - не солнечные прогнозы" и "Только - не Тюменцев" - МЧС весьма способствует развитию кладбищ. Крымска мало? 14.08.2012 Вадим Тюменцев Группа Солнца (Томский аналитический центр). Длительность: 3:06
Скриншоты к видео Вой сирены в Томске и землетрясение у Сахалина.
Russian President Vladimir Putin believes the national judo team's performance at the London Olympics was "truly outstanding". During a meeting with Sakhalin Governor Aleksander Khoroshavin and regional officials the president said: "Our judo national team is the best in the world and is officially recognized as such. This is not only our team's record; we are also the first in history of the Games to receive five medals, including three gold ones." "This is indeed very good performance. But this is not the right time to rest on our laurels. It's time to keep working. And please take all of this seriously: it is experts like you who should headhunt for talented young people. It is you who should help them to explore their potential in a comprehensive and balanced way and prepare them for the future." Длительность: 4:02