Presidents Live Television and Radio Dialogue with the Nation.Part 3 September 27,2005 The Kremlin,Moscow Прямая линия с Президентом России 27 сентября 2005 года Южно-Сахалинск,Томск,Воркута,Ижевск,Саратов,Грозный,Рига, Геленджик, Волгоград,с.Головчино(Белгородская область,Москва VLADIMIR PUTIN: Go ahead. QUESTION: Good evening, Vladimir Vladimirovich. VLADIMIR PUTIN: Hello. QUESTION: My name is Denis. Im a second-year student at the Sakhalin State University. Im actually from Yuzhno-Kurilsk but Im studying here. Im not the only one here a lot of others from my home islands are also here and we have a common question. We are all students but we will soon finish our studies and will begin our future lives, hopefully bringing benefit to the Kuril Islands. Our question is, how will our islands develop and will we be able to have decent lives, decent professional lives there? And how will the Japanese problem be resolved? VLADIMIR PUTIN: What problem? QUESTION: The issue of handing the islands, the Southern Kuril Islands, back to Japan. VLADIMIR PUTIN: First of all, regarding the Far Easts development, we have a targeted federal programme for developing the Far East and there are no plans to end it. As you know, at my instruction and the Prime Ministers instruction, a group of government ministers recently visited the Far East and drew up the outlines for developing the region and set the priority areas for federal funding allocated to the region. All of these programmes will <b>...</b> Длительность: 9:57
Скриншоты к видео В.Путин.Прямая линия.27.09.05.Part 3
Presidents Live Television and Radio Dialogue with the Nation.Part 1 September 27,2005 The Kremlin,Moscow Прямая линия с Президентом России 27 сентября 2005 года Южно-Сахалинск,Томск,Воркута,Ижевск,Саратов,Грозный,Рига, Геленджик, Волгоград,с.Головчино(Белгородская область,Москва YEKATERINA ANDREYEVA: Hello. This is the Direct Line with President of Russia Vladimir Putin a special programme broadcast by Channel One and television channel Rossia. SERGEI BRILYOV: Hello, Vladimir Vladimirovich [Putin]. YEKATERINA ANDREYEVA: Hello, Vladimir Vladimirovich. PRESIDENT VLADIMIR PUTIN: Good afternoon. SERGEI BRILYOV: Eighteen months have passed since the last Direct Line broadcast. And eighteen months have also passed since the beginning of your second term in office. How do you assess this time? VLADIMIR PUTIN: Im not going to name a lot of figures now and list all that has been done and all that has not been done and yes, there is enough that has not yet been done. Ill go straight to what is most important, and that is that our economy continues to grow stronger and show positive growth. Over these last years the Russian economy has been growing at a rate of around 7 percent a year. This is a much higher growth rate than that of a large number of developed countries and countries in transition. We are not the absolute leader for economic growth but we are among the leaders. Last year our economy grew by 7.1 percent and this year we are expecting a figure of 5.9 percent. This is <b>...</b> Длительность: 9:53
Скриншоты к видео В.Путин.Прямая линия.27.09.05.Part 1
Presidents Live Television and Radio Dialogue with the Nation.Part 2 September 27,2005 The Kremlin,Moscow Прямая линия с Президентом России 27 сентября 2005 года Южно-Сахалинск,Томск,Воркута,Ижевск,Саратов,Грозный,Рига, Геленджик, Волгоград,с.Головчино(Белгородская область,Москва It is 7 pm in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk at the moment. Our correspondent, Igor Kozhevin, is there right now. Igor, go ahead, we are waiting for questions for the President. IGOR KOZHEVIN: Greetings to Moscow from the capital of the only Russian region entirely located on islands. Good afternoon, Vladimir Vladimirovich, Good afternoon, Yekaterina, Good afternoon, Sergei. VLADIMIR PUTIN: Good afternoon. IGOR KOZHEVIN: Everything here in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk is ready for the Direct Line with the Kremlin and we just need to decide now who will put the first question. Who would like to go first? Please introduce yourself. IRINA KISELYOVA: Irina Kisleyova. Im an accountant. Hello, Vladimir Vladimirovich. VLADIMIR PUTIN: Good afternoon. IRINA KISELYOVA: I have been living on Sakhalin for more than 20 years now. I work outside the city and to save time I have to drive my car to work. The sharp jump in petrol prices lately has me and all my friends in shock. Here on Sakhalin, 95-type petrol now costs 21 roubles, and this is here, in our oil-rich region! So, my question is, what situation can we expect to see regarding petrol prices in the new year? VLADIMIR PUTIN: This is an important issue at the moment not just <b>...</b> Длительность: 9:55
Скриншоты к видео В.Путин.Прямая линия.27.09.05.Part 2
Speech and Answers to Questions at Rice University.Part 4 November 14, 2001 Houston Выступление и ответы на вопросы в Университете Райса 14 ноября 2001 года Хьюстон That the main direction of our efforts is the correct one is witnessed, among other things, by the positive start to the Russian-American business dialogue. Already interest groups are being formed here. Boeing has come up with an initiative for the aerospace sector. A round table of Russian and American hi-tech companies is in the process of approval. On the Russian side it is headed by Academician Velikhov, a scientist of world stature. And there are other instances of which you in Texas know, I am sure. This year, ladies and gentlemen, the flow of foreign investments into Russia increased by 40%. It is still not much in absolute terms, but it is a significant growth in percentage terms. Unfortunately the US is behind Cyprus, Holland and Germany in terms of direct foreign investments. But while the flow of capital from the first two countries is simply repatriation of our own Russian capital, the strengthening of Germanys positions indicates that Europe is interested in investing in Russian industry. We hope that America will be able to take up that challenge. Russia already has many stable areas of the economy which today contribute towards overall security. I am referring above all to our energy resources. Russia remains a reliable and predictable partner, a supplier of oil and other energy sources. There <b>...</b> Длительность: 8:42
Скриншоты к видео В.Путин.Выступление и ответы.14.11.01.Part 4
Рыбалка и отдых на Камчатке - это мечта. Рыболовный тур на Камчатку - это событие, которое должно произойти хотя бы раз в жизни каждого рыболова. Мы приглашаем Вас в июне на рыбалку на ЧАВЫЧУ в Камчатский край. Вы сможете испытать себя и побороться с достойным соперником. Описание туров по ссылке: Длительность: 5:03
Скриншоты к видео Рыбалка на Камчатке. "Королевский" лососьЧавыча 11кг.
6 Annual Big Press Conference Part 17 February 1,2007 President of Russia V.Putin Round Hall,the Kremlin,Moscow But the biggest damage done is not even economic. The biggest damage is moral and political, because the stability of the authorities and the state itself depends on one important factor, namely peoples trust in the authorities. And if they see that they are corrupt then this trust disappears to nothing. This is the most dangerous thing. ALEKSEI GROMOV: Please, colleagues, that group with the flags. Please give the microphone to those who want it. RUSLAN PE (Gubernskie vedomosti, Sakhalin region): Vladimir Vladimirovich, thanks to your active participation a large group of ministers came to Sakhalin and during the past year there were many changes, including positive ones. For example, the Kuril programme was actively developed. The Sakhalin Oil and Gas Conference moved from London to Sakhalin. However, our island regions so-called doormat is our airport and it is not in good condition. Is it possible to transfer the airport from federal to regional property in order to renovate it more quickly, make it look better, so that the guests who come to visit us will have a good airport and experience? Thank you. VLADIMIR PUTIN: I will tell you honestly that I am not familiar with the details of the islands airport but of course this is possible in theory and in practice. You must carry out the corresponding work with the Transport Ministry. And in general I consider <b>...</b> Длительность: 10:04
Скриншоты к видео В.Путин.6 Ежегодная большая пресс-конференция (Putin) Part 17
The ExxonMobil-led Sakhalin-1 Project receives the International Petroleum Technology Conference's 2008 Excellence in Project Integration Award. Длительность: 1:42
Скриншоты к видео Sakhalin-1 Project Receives Award for Excellence from Intern